Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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Green Blockhead 09-11-2010 11:09 AM

If it's free, where are all the zones?

I played Fusion Fall recently thanks to the news about it being free. If it's free, then, how do I get to fosters now? I know HOW to do it, talk to Mojo's slaves in Peach Creek and fly there, but, I don't know what to do now.

antgirl1 09-11-2010 01:12 PM

Ah, Foster's happens to have it's very own zone, and it resides right above Peach Creek Estates. Beware though, if you plan on going there at less than level 9 or so, you have to be very careful, as the Scribble Spawns and Extremospawns are hostile. :D

Sparky 09-12-2010 07:23 PM

You can't fly someplace until you have been there once on foot, found the Mojo monkey or SCAMPER dude, and "registered" with them (talked to them). So you have to go to Foster's on foot first. Use your map to locate it, its east from the Culdesac and then north.

surbet11 11-24-2010 01:35 PM

how do you get to the skull island it shows in orchord bay or is it ice kings castal

MaxJ1800 12-04-2010 06:45 PM

That's just background scenery. There's currently no way to get there.

KazooBloo 12-17-2016 12:44 AM

IIRC, above Peach Creek.

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