Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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Shioni 06-15-2010 03:14 AM

Hi, I'm new!
Hi there everyone~ <33
Shioni here...but you can call me Shi if you'd like. < : 3
I watched Foster's when I was around...I think 9. I absolutely loved it~ > u <
So....years have passed, and I'm 13 now...after a bit of nostalgia, I remembered this wonderful cartoon I used to enjoy, and still do~ x3 favorite characters overall are Wilt, Eduardo, Frankie, Bloo, and Cheese. ^^
I'm into video games, anime, and drawing...especially Touhou Project, Hetalia, Sailor Moon, Higurashi, Mario and Sonic games, and Kirby games. :3
I'm kinda shy, actually...I'm not very good at talking to people, and I tend to make myself look like a fool in front of someone. <xD;
Ah well...I'm glad I found this site so that I could share the love of Foster's with others~ < : 3
...And yes....I use a lot of silly emotes. xD

frankie_fan 06-15-2010 03:54 AM

Good to have you on board. Welcome. :frankiesmile:

Imaginary Light 06-15-2010 07:14 AM

Welcome to NF! :)

Sparky 06-15-2010 12:13 PM

Welcome! :terrsmile:

taranchula 06-15-2010 01:35 PM

Welcome, enjoy the forums.

Shioni 06-15-2010 02:40 PM

Aw, thank you all for the welcomes~ <x3 It's nice to meet you all, and I'm glad to be here. < : 3

Cassini90125 06-15-2010 03:46 PM

Glad to have you here. Welcome aboard! :frankiesmile:

Lynnie 06-18-2010 12:03 AM

Hey there Shi, welcome to the boards! :) Interesting collection of "smileys" you've got. I don't understand a lot of them. 8D

One Radical Dude 06-18-2010 12:15 AM

Great to have you on board!

Shioni 06-18-2010 03:45 AM

Ah, thank you all~ > w <- It's nice to meet you guys~ x33

And xD Yeah...some of them are a bit strange and hard to figure out. :'3

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