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TerrenceLover 04-10-2010 01:55 PM

Some more Fosters fanart by TerrenceLover
Here's some of my art I submitted in dA the past year and I wanted to share with all of you, Foster's fans. :terrsmile: (Terrence playing NDS) (Terrence dressed as a bunny )8D (Retro style Terrence) (Some Terrence poses sketches)

I hope you enjoyed it!

Cassini90125 04-10-2010 02:02 PM

I remember these. I particularly like the one where he's dressed in the bunny outfit; he looks so annoyed. 8D

Good job on all of them. :up:

TerrenceLover 04-10-2010 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 120464)
I remember these. I particularly like the one where he's dressed in the bunny outfit; he looks so annoyed. 8D

Good job on all of them. :up:

Thank you! ^w^ I like Terrence dressed as a bunny too.:blooxd:
He looks adorable.:terrsmile:

Lynnie 04-10-2010 06:30 PM

Yeah, those are all great! :terrsmile: I too love the bunny one. It would make a great Easter card at some point (if it hasn't been already).

TerrenceLover 04-10-2010 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 120475)
Yeah, those are all great! :terrsmile: I too love the bunny one. It would make a great Easter card at some point (if it hasn't been already).

Thanks! :terrsmile::bloogrin:

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