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antgirl1 03-30-2010 02:05 PM

Imaginary: The Trading Card Game
This is a project I've been working on for a few days. I already have the basis started on, most of gameplay rules, and four sets of nine different cards made. So if you are/were a fan of children's card games (Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Bakugon, etc), you may have a lot of fun with this. :D

Full rules will be explained soon, I just want to get it out there what I've got already. The only things I will explain right now is what gameplays this is based upon and the two classes. Most of how to use the cards are explained right on them. I will also explain printing.

Firstly, the gameplay is a lot like Yu-Gi-Oh, except there's a little Pokemon mixed in there too (HPs and attack ranges), but it's still Yu-Gi-Oh 75% of the time. Those knowing Yu-Gi-Oh rules will probably get the hang of the game more easily than those who don't. Same for Pokemon.

You draw five cards, and if it's your turn, you choose what you want to do. There are four card types: Imaginary, Item, Special Skill, and Ability cards. If you don't have anything good, you may draw only once per turn. Set the cards you want to. Then it's someone else's turn.

Now, the classes. You may notice there are two kinds of them. Friends (blue swirl) and Extremasaurs (red triangle). Some Extremasaurs who really aren't are put into the class for various reasons, such as looking like one, or if they act like one, or just because they're so gosh-darn big. I put the Space Nut Boogies in that class because they appear to have the strength of one, and the fact they tried to destroy Mac and Bloo through tickle machines. If that's not evil, I donno what is.

Likewise, certain Friends who aren't in the Extremasaur class are there instead because, let's face it. Duchess may be a pain, but she's weak enough so that she had to rely on a real Extremasaur (and Terrence) to do her dirty work. However, her transform move makes her change to Extremasaur class.

So in all, here's a basic difference (despite the obvious):

Friend: Doesn't have a high HP range, attacks aren't super strong, but most can transform to become stronger. (the main four Imaginaries can transform up to four times, all the way from Infant to Mega) They also tend to work together, not alone. Also where they lack strengths like this, they are a lot more stable and never attempt to attack each other, even when ailed.

Extremasaur: These are literally fighting machines, with high HP averages, high attack power, and little respect for others’ well-being. Therefore, they often attack alone, rarely in groups. However, even if attacking in groups, they will tend to attack each other when in a fit of ailment.

The printable cards: (backside of the cards)

Printing: Simply print it as a Letter (8x11) on normal printing paper. Do not use the crop/scale option, it'll ruin the cards. Print the first side, then either put the same paper back in face up and right side up to print out the backside, or follow the instructions of the printer on how to print backsides.

After that, if possible, laminate the cards, then cut them out. When you first cut them out, don't worry about trimming; worry about that once they're all out.

Then be sure to store them somewhere safe so they don't otherwise get ruined.

Finally, just enjoy them. Like I said, this is all I have so far, there will be much, MUCH more on the way. But I'm also up for suggestions.

(If I had a favorite card, it'd be Foster's Cookies hands down. :cookie:
Also most of the screen grabs are by Sparky, some I made myself.)

Cassini90125 03-30-2010 02:26 PM

These are excellent! I have no clue as to how Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh card games work but I think this is a great idea. Looking forward to seeing more cards! :bloogrin:

taranchula 03-31-2010 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 120228)
These are excellent! I have no clue as to how Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh card games work but I think this is a great idea. Looking forward to seeing more cards! :bloogrin:

Well if it's anything like the TV series' from which those card games are based on then you can pretty much just make up the rules as you go along. ;)

antgirl1 03-31-2010 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 120229)
Well if it's anything like the TV series' from which those card games are based on then you can pretty much just make up the rules as you go along. ;)

Oh no, this game will have rules of its own, but if they're too confusing feel free to ab-lib. I have no intention of letting confusion ruin the fun. :D

Also I started working on the game rules Manual, but it won't come out as soon as it should be, because of all the topics there is to discuss. Maybe I should just skip to a Quick Start Guide instead. 8D

I'm still open for any sort of card suggestions. I'll even show what it'll look like before it goes into the set. Just be sure that whatever the card does is fair for the situation. :D

antgirl1 04-02-2010 09:09 AM

Oh boy! Here's two previews of the next set of cards. First up is Bloo's Radioactive form:
I drew this directly on the card, so this is the fullsize.

Then there's RA Wilt: (the new version)
This one's way better, I actually was creative here.

Even though they didn't really change fantastically, they're still at their strongest forms. There will be two others (Coco will probably come sooner), Eduardo I'm kinda worried about drawing, cuz as you know he's really impossible for me to draw. If someone wants to draw him for me, please let me know. It can come in any size, I can shrink it so it fits.

antgirl1 04-11-2010 07:37 PM

Here's RA Coco:

I like this one. All thanks to Owl City's song Fireflies. ;)

Lynnie 04-11-2010 07:55 PM

I love that song! Always sing along when I hear it on the radio. :D

Great job with all the cards by the way. I've never been into trading cards, but I always love the artwork. :)

antgirl1 05-11-2010 02:36 PM

Fix'd card pages 1 and 4, so now each Friend card shows what stage of transform they are in (So Imaginary Man and Nemesister are both Champion stage), and the class differences has also been edited and revised a bit.

Also after the foreverness, here's also card page FIVE, which intros Radioactive stages (Mega) and the Radioactivity card, Eduardo's Champion and Ultimate forms (I felt bad knowing I didn't get around to him...), Coco's Ultimate, and finally this: Infant stage! For all you Digimon fans, you'll probably reconize the stages. :D <--It's also on my first post.

Once the full rules are made, there will be even more explainations. ;)

carlito_cool 08-21-2010 06:43 PM

I wish I had some Fosters Trading card just like in Cuckoo for coco cards episode. ::) ::)

Green Blockhead 09-11-2010 04:42 AM

No Frankie Card?


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