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Howard 02-15-2010 06:17 PM

The Marines have Landed!
These are Harriers (AV-8's) from a training squadron out of Cherry Point, North Carolina. They are temporarily stationed at Yuma, Arizona. They are out west to drop live ordnance and strafe at the designated ranges here. It is all training pilots who will eventually go to a regular Harrier squadron.

Note: Superstition Mountains in the background, and Four Peaks to the left.:frankiesmile:

Cassini90125 02-15-2010 06:54 PM

Live ordnance... I'm glad I live on the opposite coast. :bloocross:

Great pics! :bloogrin:

Partymember 02-15-2010 08:17 PM

interesting aircraft, the Harrier.

I'm partial to A-10's myself :) something about firing depleted uranium slugs from a chain gun while sitting in a titanium tub impervious to enemy small arms fire warms my heart-cockles

Medikor 02-16-2010 11:34 AM

That's some cool stuff, Howard. I live about 30 minuets away from and air base myself, so I'm used to low flying planes and training sessions. The planes I usually see flying around my place are the CP-140 Auroras, theCF-28 Hornets and CT-155 Hawks.

Lynnie 02-16-2010 01:59 PM

The Blue Angels come to the Seattle area quite frequently, they're always soooooo cool to see flying over. Very nice shots, Howard! :)

Howard 02-16-2010 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 119652)
interesting aircraft, the Harrier.

I'm partial to A-10's myself :) something about firing depleted uranium slugs from a chain gun while sitting in a titanium tub impervious to enemy small arms fire warms my heart-cockles

I like the A-10's 30MM cannon myself.:terrevil:They can be a one mean tank killer!:frankiesmile:


Originally Posted by Medikor (Post 119655)
That's some cool stuff, Howard. I live about 30 minuets away from and air base myself, so I'm used to low flying planes and training sessions. The planes I usually see flying around my place are the CP-140 Auroras, theCF-28 Hornets and CT-155 Hawks.

The Navy uses all 3 of these aircraft as well. That is really cool Medikor. The first one we call a P-3 Orion, then the F-18, the third one the Navy uses to train student Naval Aviators. We call it the T-45.:frankiesmile:


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 119661)
The Blue Angels come to the Seattle area quite frequently, they're always soooooo cool to see flying over. Very nice shots, Howard! :)

I was stationed in Pensacola. Sherman Field is home to the Blue Angels. They do their season training at NAF El Centro, CA. When the Blues perform in Pensacola - they do it right above the water at P-cola beach. Awesome sight!:frankiesmile:

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