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scary_dream 02-09-2010 11:20 PM

Sleepy sheep...
So I always find this interesting: How do you fall asleep? So many people do it differently that I have actually never talked to two people who did it the same way. Some count sheep, while others make up huge stories, and still others completely clear their minds.

What do you do?

I personally make up crazy stories. Stories that would never actually happen. They always involve different people, maybe my friends, maybe people I don't even know. The funny thing is, none of my stories have ends because I always fall asleep before I finish them. If I particularly like a story, I'll continue it the next evening, but I still never end it.

Maybe I need to start writing some of these puppies down...

Cassini90125 02-09-2010 11:45 PM

Trazodone. Works reasonably well.

Sparky 02-10-2010 07:36 AM

I just hope I fall asleep before morning. :P It always takes me hours to fall asleep, seriously, and sometimes I don't succeed. I've wasted half my life laying awake in bed.

Pawbah 02-10-2010 11:32 AM

Usually I stay awake worrying about stuff until I eventually pass out. I actually do make up stories though... I didn't think anyone else did that. But my stories tend to resemble badly written fanfiction as they usually revolve around a movie I've watched or book I'm reading.... Yeah, they never have endings because I do fall asleep in the middle of them.

Partymember 02-10-2010 05:51 PM

i'd LOVE some advice on falling asleep (i've built up a tolerance to sleeping pills and Valerian root takes like 4 hours to kick in for some reason)

last night i was up until 4:30 watching Venture Brothers Season 2 on my laptop. I figure i was too wired from excessive coffee and chewing tobacco to fall asleep

on a related note (and completely blowing my friend Fred's theory out of the water), chewing tobacco is not a cheap substitute for Nicorette, you will end up both chewing and smoking

looks like another sleepless night... Fear and Loathing in Upstate NY :cheesegrin:

@ Pawbah... i write too, when i have trouble falling asleep. Put some of the clutter in your head on paper and you feel better, man

scary_dream 02-16-2010 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Pawbah (Post 119597)
Usually I stay awake worrying about stuff until I eventually pass out. I actually do make up stories though... I didn't think anyone else did that. But my stories tend to resemble badly written fanfiction as they usually revolve around a movie I've watched or book I'm reading.... Yeah, they never have endings because I do fall asleep in the middle of them.

You aren't the only one 8D though the difference between our head stories and bad fanfic is that we aren't stupid enough to think other people will worship them as great literary works!

Lynnie 02-16-2010 02:09 PM

I actually wrote a blog about ways to get a good night sleep over at my MySpace about two years ago. :P

But how I actually fall asleep is usually similar to what has been mentioned so far. I think of "stories", whether I'm reliving something I enjoyed sometime in the past, imagining something that I wish would happen and day dreaming about how great it would be, or just entertain myself with random characters or people I know. I also usually fall asleep before I finish it, but I'll think it up again the next night, and maybe add improvements to it. As to actually falling asleep, I just find a comfortable position, make sure my neck and shoulders are well supported and just relax. It helps to be a little too warm, too. Not to where I'm uncomfortable, just a little warmer than normal. I sleep best with lots of covers over me.

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