Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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One Radical Dude 12-25-2009 08:50 AM

Merry Christmas, NF!
Hey, everyone. I just wanted to wish all a very Merry Christmas to those that celebrate, and a Happy Holiday to those that celebrate something else. May the upcoming year be a great one! ;) I'm off work today, so I'm enjoying my three-day weekend. I received a few gift cards, a few Blu-ray discs, a bit of spending money, and a $50 savings bond dated from 1982 (which is supposed to be worth more now).

taranchula 12-25-2009 11:36 AM

I emerge briefly from my "Holiday Haze", to deliver a message of peace and good tidings toward everyone here on our favorite internet hang out.

So that said....




Sparky 12-25-2009 04:23 PM

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Have some cookies!! :cmastree::present::snowman:

Howard 12-25-2009 04:38 PM

Merry Christmas to everyone on NF, and a safe 2010! I hope to see most of you at the Con in July!:):bloogrin::smed:;):D:frankiesmile::mfoster: :herriman:

Imaginary Light 12-25-2009 05:35 PM

Merry Christmas and happy holidays, NF!:) Hope everyone was able to have an enjoyable holiday and that they got everything their little hearts desired.

Lynnie 12-25-2009 05:59 PM

Thank you for the cookies, Sparky! :terrsmile:

I haven't been able to get on the computer until now, so I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I had a pretty good one, other than being exhausted from working my tail off last week. Of the more interesting things I got was a new purse, a dressy rain coat, and some flannel pajamas. Joey got lots of stuff too.
He likes pulling stuff out of his stocking all by his little fluffy self. :berry:

Sparky 12-25-2009 06:23 PM

Aw. :) We'll give Kiwi her present tomorrow. She likes to chew the paper but never quite unwraps presents herself so we'll have to help her.

Mac-a-lacka 12-25-2009 07:45 PM

Merry Christmas to all! :)

ryanjf97 12-29-2009 06:11 PM

And to all a good night!

koosie 12-31-2009 08:15 AM

I hope everyone and their various animal friends and families had a nice Christmas and have a good new year. I suppose Australia and New Zealand must already be in 2010. How's it looking?

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