Cassini90125 |
12-20-2009 12:08 AM |
Happy birthday, Fomalhaut!
Fomi and I go way back to the early months of the Forum. She was the first friend I made here, or anywhere on the internet for that matter, and in all that time we've shared laughs, stories, troubles, and a few secrets here and there, not to mention numerous posts about a certain cartoon that brought us together - that brought us all together. So, happy 22nd birthday to you, Fomalhaut! May it be a day filled with joy and laughter and much too much cake, and thank you for helping to make the web a more pleasant place to visit. :frankiesmile:
:terrsmile: :balloons: :present: :bloogrin: :cake: :birthday: :)
I should not have put that Bloo smilie between the present and the cake... 8D