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Ridureyu 09-14-2009 04:16 PM

Patrick Swayze Dies at 57

Well, Pancreatic cancer is very, very hard to survive. I guess there won't be a Patrick Swayze Christmas this year :'(

xxxClaire 09-14-2009 05:03 PM

Nooo. I heard about this too... RIP. :(

Lynnie 09-14-2009 05:33 PM

I heard about this on the radio on my way home from work this afternoon. When I got home, it hadn't even broken on TV yet. About 10 minutes later, that changed. It's so surreal, and so very sad. He was much too young to leave us. I'll never see Dirty Dancing, Ghost, or North and South the same way ever again. Or listen to the song "She's like the Wind".

RIP Patrick. :'(

Kootiebirdo 09-14-2009 08:31 PM

F&%K CANCER!! I looooved Patrick Swayze! :'(
Enough with the dead celebrities already!

jekylljuice 09-15-2009 01:57 AM

I heard the sad news this morning. Not exactly unexpected, given the circumstances, but still upsetting. R.I.P. Patrick. :'(

Bloo4Ever 09-15-2009 02:11 PM

R.I.P :(

I know cancer is never a blessing, but thank God he had somewhat of a premonition to what was going to happen to him. At least it gave him time to write his memoirs.

I'll never forget his performance in Ghost, incredibly stunning.

koosie 09-15-2009 02:17 PM

A very painful as well as lethal form of cancer he had too. Poor man. It does seem unfair.

I'll remember him for Point Break and Donnie Darko. He was good in both. I've never actually seen his 2 biggest films.

Imaginary Light 09-15-2009 03:43 PM

My sister texted me last night asking if I had heard the news yet. This is so incredibely sad. :( The man was a trooper though. He lasted well past what is expected of those who suffer from pancreatic cancer. Just the fact that he remained so positive after he was diagnosed with such a fatal form of cancer is admirable. R.I.P. Patrick.

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