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Imaginary Ninja 06-17-2009 08:00 PM

Foster's Fan Comic!
So I'm working on a fan comic for Foster's. I'd like to share with you some preliminary concept art, and then the comic itself (I've started it).

All links will be to my deviantART page, but before I do that, I just want to give y'all an idea of what this is all about. It is a more mature story than regular Foster's. Bad stuff happens. Drama ensues. But not wangst, and NObody goes "emo", I promise. 8-) There is no graphic violence, though there is danger and creepiness. Death happens, but never "on-camera". There is no sex, though characters do get older, perhaps get married and have families, etc. ("family" is a big theme in my story). Kisses are as far as anything gets, and I promise no crack or oogie pairings. No worse than what you'd find in a Disney or Pixar movie. And there is mild language in the comic, by certain characters *coughBloocoughTerrencecough*, but nothing worse than what you'd hear on Futurama.

There's a lot of humor and nice parts too, though. Don't want a total downer. ;D

Anyway, the basic premise is that five years after the show's events, a Terrible Event occured to make the earth nearly uninhabitable by humans, but safe for Imaginaries. There is also a mysterious, deadly Imaginary force called the Chimera that hunts humans down. This Chimera seems to have initiated the Event, though why is still unknown. Luckily, Mac and his family are in hiding with some of the old Foster's crew, just trying to get by as best they can.
Madame Foster's past appears to be a big part of it all, and it's up to Frankie to find out what Chimera is and how to stop it. Too bad she disappeared during the Event, assumed dead...

I don't want to spoil too much. Here's a few links:




Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

Lynnie 06-17-2009 08:08 PM

Nice work! I like them. :) I love how you gave Blooregard a bit of a gut, hehe, yeah I can see him growing up and getting a gut. Especially with the way he eats. I love the Frankie drawings, too, I like your original style. :frankiesmile:

Imaginary Light 06-18-2009 11:23 AM

Looks and sounds very interesting, indeed. I like your drawing style.:)

Howard 06-21-2009 06:24 PM

The style is definitely unique (that is what makes an artist). I look forward to more of this.:frankiesmile:

Imaginary Ninja 07-14-2009 05:08 PM

Hey, what's up?!

My fan comic, called Chimeric World, is up!! Check it out and see what you think.

Sorry for the lag, it's been quite a learning experience starting a webcomic. My original comic, if you're interested, is starting on August 1st.

See you later!8-)

Lynnie 07-14-2009 06:27 PM

I still hate to think that Blooregard's ego will eventually lead him and Mac to drift apart, but this is looking pretty good. :) Hehe, I think I saw Eduardo in the club, the grey pants looked so familiar. Add a purple top and yup. :smed:

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