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frankie_fan 05-29-2009 07:42 PM

Toy Story 3
The toys are back!

Cassini90125 05-29-2009 08:11 PM

2010? 2010?!?! Arrgh! I wanna see it now! :cheesegrin:

Um... got any plot details?

Nice to know that it's on the way. Thanks! ;D

Howard 05-29-2009 09:48 PM

Great trailer! I wanna see it now too!:frankiesmile:

frankie_fan 05-29-2009 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 111640)
2010? 2010?!?! Arrgh! I wanna see it now! :cheesegrin:

Um... got any plot details?

Lol. That was my mum's reaction when she saw the date as well! 8D

According to

Originally Posted by
Woody, Buzz, and the rest of their toy-box friends are dumped in a day-care center after their owner, Andy, departs for college.

Cassini90125 05-29-2009 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by frankie_fan (Post 111654)
Lol. That was my mum's reaction when she saw the date as well! 8D

According to


Originally Posted by
Woody, Buzz, and the rest of their toy-box friends are dumped in a day-care center after their owner, Andy, departs for college.

Huh. That sounds kind of like Foster's, actually. Kid gets older, gets rid of things from childhood. Could be quite a tear-jerker.

jekylljuice 05-29-2009 11:28 PM

Hmmm, June 2010 does seem like an awfully long time to wait right now, but it's good to finally have a release date in sight. :smed:

Anyway, since Slinky's in that teaser trailer I think it's more-or-less safe to assume that he'll be in the film itself...which finally puts an end to that age-old question.

Imaginary Light 05-30-2009 11:44 AM

Aww, I saw the trailer yesterday, and I can't wait.:P It looks so good (even from just what little look we got).

taranchula 05-30-2009 07:40 PM

To infinity and beyond and beyond and beyond!
Well that one teaser trailer has shot this film to the top of my summer of 2010 must watch list.

My secret wish for this movie is the triumphant return of Kelsey Grammer as Stinky Pete...(Okay, it probably won't happen but one can dream can't they?)

jekylljuice 05-31-2009 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 111680)
Well that one teaser trailer has shot this film to the top of my summer of 2010 must watch list.

My secret wish for this movie is the triumphant return of Kelsey Grammer as Stinky Pete...(Okay, it probably won't happen but one can dream can't they?)

I too would love to see more from Pete. I have a hunch that they're more likely to go with a fresh new antagonist for this sequel rather than resurrect any older character arcs - Sid was nowhere to be seen in Toy Story 2, after all - but it would be cool if he could at least put in a cameo of sorts.

Speaking of Sid, I've always had this morbid curiousity to know what eventually became of him, though maybe it's for the best if we don't find out. In my mind, I'm happier if I leave him with that final image of Hannah exacting her long-awaited childish vengeance upon him (being a younger sibling myself, I always got a healthy serving of catharsis from that moment as a kid) than I am to actually think about the YEARS that poor kid must have gone on to spend on a psychiatrist's couch for his crippling phobia of all things small and plastic. :scribble:

fosters home fan 05-31-2009 08:33 AM

Lol, rumors about this movie had been spreading around since at least 2005.

Interesting that it's confirmed now. Not much else to say.

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