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Natty 04-01-2009 11:30 AM

-Comic- Shakes the Clown
Hi guys!

Well, as you might've seen in my art-topic, I've been gone for a looooooooooong while, and this is why: I'm drawing a comic!!

Because Tom "Eduardo" Kenny is celebrating 10 years of providing the voice of SpongeBob, and also to celebrate his appearance in a new Bobcat Goldthwait movie, I've done a comic based on Bobcat's / Tom's first movie "Shakes the Clown".


To anyone who has seen the movie: yes, I know it sucked, but Tom played a darn good murder-clown!

Ever since the comic will be sold as an actual book, I can't post the pages in full-view. That's why I'm showing wee little pages instead, sorry!

The comic is a sequel to the movie... Binky (Tom) has gotten out of prison and is now going after Albino Rainbow, who's been bothering him for eleven years straight... Will Binky succeed, or will Albino get out of this alive? That's something that can be read in the comic!

^ That's the image on the official STC-posters :bloogrin: I have a bunchload of them left, though 8D

Well, I hope you likies! I COULD post the Flashback scene from the comic, if y'all want..

Cassini90125 04-01-2009 01:46 PM

I never saw the movie so I can't really say anything on the storyline one way or another. However, I can say that the artwork is fantastic. Excellent job! :smed:

jekylljuice 04-01-2009 01:59 PM

Darn, that's amazing, Natty. Like Cass, I haven't seen the movie in the question, so I can't really comment on that front, but I'm extremely impressed by the truly professional calibre of your artwork. I'm sure that Tom's going feel truly honoured when he sees it. :)

Lynnie 04-01-2009 03:02 PM

That's amazing work, Natty! Are you telling me you're a published artist? That's awesome in itself! I'm sure Tom would just love it. :smed:

Natty 04-02-2009 05:38 AM

Hi all! Thank you for the comments, I truly appreciate it!

I write / sketch / ink / color / text / print the comic all by myself, and this is the first 'big' comic I've done so-far (I did do a 14-page comic for BSB, but that one sucked to be honest). Therefor, I'm considered an unofficial comic-artist... BUT that doesnt mean I can't sell comics by myself, right?

I surely hope Tom will like it! My friend Tess is going to give it to him during the San Diego Comicon (I couldn't go, sadly enough :( ) because there'll be a 10-years-of-spongebob thingamajig, then :bloogrin:


taranchula 04-02-2009 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Natty (Post 108047)

I surely hope Tom will like it! My friend Tess is going to give it to him during the San Diego Comicon (I couldn't go, sadly enough :( ) because there'll be a 10-years-of-spongebob thingamajig, then :bloogrin:


I'm sure he'll more then likely be there, unless he gets the flu again like last year.

But don't worry that was just a fluke and he wasn't out for the entire con, and I like most fans have his autograph to prove it. (Unless it wasn't really Tom and just a body double I still need to send his autograph out to the lab to get his hand writing tested :P ) Ummmmm, where were we again?

Oh yeah, great job on the comic there, you do have considerable amounts of talent. Keep at it and some day you may just be running with the big dogs. :up:

Natty 04-03-2009 11:47 AM

Ahh yes, I remember the flu-incident! Most of the PPG/FHFIF crew was down, right?

Back then, Tess overheard some other VA talking to Jill on the phone, and she heard her say that Tom was so ill, he couldn't even answer the phone to joke about it :o Poor him!

Ohh to meet Tom one day, it'd be a dream coming true! And if that dream ever comes true, I'll get a cat-paw tattooed somewhere :P *Tomcat, heehee*

taranchula 04-03-2009 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Natty (Post 108092)
Ahh yes, I remember the flu-incident! Most of the PPG/FHFIF crew was down, right?

If my memory serves me right, Mr. Kenny was the only one from the crew that seemed to had caught it (Or at least bad enough to keep him away.) Craig and Lauren were there right to the end of the con, Kieth Ferguson actually ended up taking Tom's place during one of the Voice actor panels at the very last second. (It was like we were getting an upgrade from Eduardo to Bloo :bloogrin:) Phil Lamaar was also on that panel as well. And Tara Strong was at the Chowder panel on the last day of the con. So unless something happened to Tom Kane or the other PPG actors that were there (Sorry, I forgot their names) pretty much everyone got away germ free.

Anyways apologies for the off topicness.

Back to the thread.

Natty 04-05-2009 08:21 AM

Oops, my bad!! ^^; I must've been informed incorrectly!

Let me make it up to you guys by showing a panel I've just drawn!

The totally random background seems awfully familiar to me...

fosters home fan 04-05-2009 08:41 AM

It's Fosters' Home. 8D

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