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Imaginary Light 03-16-2009 06:18 PM

Foster's at Kohls
Hey guys, I was just browsing Kohls' (an American clothing store, if you're unfamiliar with it) website, and look what I found!:

That surprised me.:P

Sparky 03-16-2009 06:22 PM

Ohman, cool! I never would have expected to find that at Kohl's...maybe I should actually shop there, lol. I never do. I think I've been in there once.

Cassini90125 03-16-2009 06:25 PM

Is that Bendy and Berry I see on the shirt? Excellent! ;D

Lynnie 03-16-2009 06:28 PM

Kohls is a cool store, if you like Ross and/or TJ Maxx. But wow, I would have never imagined any Foster's stuff would be there! That's awesome! :bloogrin:

Hehe, I see not only Berry but also Bendy made the cut. :bendy:

Mac-a-lacka 03-16-2009 06:37 PM

Nice. There's a Kohls at the mall over here. I've never been to that store before though. :bloobleh:

pitbulllady 03-17-2009 02:08 AM

Well, shoot...when I clicked the link, I got a message telling me that Kohl's is temporarily unavailable. Hopefully, it will be back up by this afternoon when I get home, since it'll be blocked at work.


jekylljuice 03-17-2009 03:35 AM

The link's working fine for me right now. Darn, that's actually a really nice t-shirt. It features quite a cool frontal depiction of Bendy too. :bendy:

Nyo 03-18-2009 02:19 PM

Very nice...but Mighty Fine made it, so shouldn't it be at HT too instead of just not selling Foser's stuff there any more?

lucyrocks73 03-20-2009 03:07 PM

Wow!!! A store I actually go to!!! The only time I ever went to HT was for Foster's stuff, so I might actually buy this. Yay.

Subzeroace 03-21-2009 03:46 PM

That's a cool shirt =D But I've never been in a Kohls in my life, even on one of my many trips to Buffalo NY.

All I know about Kohls is that they stole LeChucks theme from Monkey Island for one of their Christmas adds.

...LeChuck is not Christmasy o_O;

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