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Sparky 03-08-2009 06:05 PM

Cartoon Network HD
I was watching Ben 10: AF a few days ago and it said at the bottom of the screen "also available in HD", but we certainly don't get Cartoon Network HD with Comcast. :sadbendy: Does anybody here get it, and/or does anyone know who does carry it? Hopefully Comcast will get it this year - hopefully soon - but I can't find any info on that. :wiltyeahright: Thanks to anyone who shares info.

Lynnie 03-08-2009 06:19 PM

I remember this thread from a while back ;)

Not much info shared, but we could ask him to come share more tidbits about it. :)

Sparky 03-08-2009 06:32 PM

I thought there had been some kind of thread about Foster's in hd from a while ago but I couldn't find it, and a search for "hd" found nothing. :P Maybe if the thread title had been more descriptive. ;) Well this thread is about CN HD not just Foster's HD so I won't merge them I guess.

Invader Bloo 03-12-2009 06:40 PM

Do you have a HD TV? If so then do you have a HD Comcast box? You have to buy a new Comcast box for HD channels.

I have the channel, the only shows in HD are Ben 10, Star Wars & Batman. I'm pretty more shows will be getting the HD treatment soon. (Chowder & Flapjack in particular)

Sparky 03-12-2009 09:59 PM

Yes, we have an HD tv and HD Comcast. I wouldn't have asked if we didn't even have the right equipment. We do NOT, however, have CN HD listed. That's why I asked.

antgirl1 03-13-2009 02:42 PM

I have CN HD, and as far as I can tell, it's not much different than just regular broadcasting. Either that or my eyes can't tell the difference. XDDD

Invader Bloo 03-13-2009 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 107280)
Yes, we have an HD tv and HD Comcast. I wouldn't have asked if we didn't even have the right equipment. We do NOT, however, have CN HD listed. That's why I asked.

Hmmm... Well my Comcast had an updates of sorts for me (I didn't ask for it) & some channels (CN included) got HD channels. (Though, it moved CN to 81 so I can't watch it in my room :( ). I'd call Comcast & ask for the channel & anyother HD channels you want.

Sparky 06-21-2010 12:10 PM

Well we got a bunch of new HD channels today, including CN. we have it. If I ever need to record Foster's eps again I can get them in HD. Just wish we'd had it earlier.

antgirl1 06-21-2010 12:31 PM

I don't think it's even on TV anymore. :(

KazooBloo 12-23-2016 09:36 PM

Yeah, second post.

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