Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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Government Man 12-25-2008 02:12 PM

Merry Christmas!
I can't believe nobody's noticed yet, but there should be some presents under a nearby tree that you should be unwrapping right


Sparky 12-25-2008 02:19 PM

Merry Christmas everyone. :terrsmile:

Mac-a-lacka 12-25-2008 04:38 PM

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :)

Subzeroace 12-25-2008 06:17 PM

Merry Christmas everyone!

Everyone get what they wanted? I'm the lucky new owner of a used copy of ;
  • Silent Hill 2 (Do you know hard it is to find a copy of that for PS2 without using eBay?)
  • The first Crazy Taxi game
  • PKMN Pearl (I had diamond, I named my player Gaz this time XD)
  • Neocash card
  • A Disco Chomby plush
  • A few DVD's (Dark Knight!)
  • $20 Tim Horton's gift card! =DDDDDD~
  • Getting a PS3 next time I go out =3~
  • Pre-Order of the Dr. Horrible DVD (ships in January in Canada D=)

One Radical Dude 12-25-2008 06:37 PM

I hope folks here enjoyed Christmas this year! :)

I received a new coat, some cards, $60+ cash, $25 in Starbucks money, some sleeping pants, and a blanket. Not bad!

Sparky 12-25-2008 06:52 PM

We're not actually celebrating Christmas until tomorrow, but I already know I got an HD Tivo because I was there when GM bought it; however its for the front room and we don't yet have an HD tv or HD cable in the front room, lol. So I can't use it until then. Dad's coming over tomorrow and who knows what he'll give us.

And yes I do Subz...I'd like both SH and SH2 mysef. ;)

Lynnie 12-25-2008 07:03 PM

I have limited internet access while at my parents' place, so it's over for most people now, but Merry Christmas everyone! :) Hope it was a wonderful and safe one.

As for what I got, I got an electric mixer, a sweater, some pajamas, slippers, a bathrobe, some DVDs, body mist assortment, and of course that long awaited for Foster's pillowcase. Oh, and also some Bloo knee socks (from Claire's). It was a pretty good Christmas. We even got another foot or so of snow. I don't know if I'll be able to make it into work tomorrow.

Mac-a-lacka 12-25-2008 07:52 PM

I got a white Christmas. 8D A couple of DVD's, a book, a laptop, a board game, a video game and a Foster's blankie. Which I'm gonna cuddle with tonight. :) :bloogrin:

Cassini90125 12-25-2008 07:57 PM

My brother got me a book:

This should keep me quiet for some time. ;D

Subzeroace 12-25-2008 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 102507)
And yes I do Subz...I'd like both SH and SH2 mysef. ;)

I'm surprised my dad found a copy =O I'd love a copy of SH as well, but that be impossible to find unless you go on eBay (or get REALLY luck at a thrift shop)

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