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Creamy 12-13-2008 02:42 PM

Show me your Fusion Fall Character
Post up your Fusion Fall Character, then describe them to me (EG. Are they based on how you look in real life, how did you come up with your characters name, ETC.....)

Ok, my turn:

Note, this image is old! I now have a better weapon and a Bunny Backpack that I can't imagine myself without now.

This is my character, Teddy Snowbear. She is based off me (how I look in real life).

She is named after my white teddy bear who I've had all my life called Snowy Bear (I'm soft, I know :smed:). I would have called myself Cuddlesnowy, like I do on most online stuff (games, forums, etc..), but the game kept crashing when I chose it, so I made a name with the generator. I kinda like the name Teddysnow bear anyway, so its fine.

Your Turn :bloosmirk:

Offtopic: It appears I've posted in the Fusionfall section of the forum more then anywhere else.....wierd :confused:

Sparky 12-13-2008 04:06 PM

(I was thinking of making this topic too, so right on. :) We can use it like an "intro" thread for our characters.)

I posted a pic of me before but I am a higher level now, I'm about to go to level 12, with my Megas nano:

I'd been envying the Nergal tentacles on everyone else until I finally got them, lol. And I have a Chowder hat in my inventory I can wear as soon as I level up. Anyways my character's name is Sparky Neitherworld ( is my other and older website). She doesn't look like me or anything, but I've always wanted blue violet hair...

I'm pretty sure we'll have to remake our characters when the game officially launches though. :P

Oh and Creamy, I don't think the game can accept one-word names, a lot of people have reported problems with trying to select a one-word name. Plus I do recall the game prompting you to put in a first and last name combo (although apparently you can have more then just two words in your name as well).

The Huntsman 12-13-2008 05:38 PM

I stopped playing, but I took this picture when I was level four; it was for a contest that was available to the testers on the closed beta. Suffice to say, I lost. My character, Mr. Peanut, was only level four at the time and I didn’t have access to any interesting clothes.

antgirl1 12-16-2008 07:11 PM

I kept forgeting to screencap the lastest addition of Rhea I drew her instead! :D
Yes. Fear her chocolate stick.

There's even a wallpaper edition too.

Sparky 12-16-2008 07:14 PM

Hooray! :clap: Great job!!

Subzeroace 12-18-2008 03:54 PM

Here's my baby SubZ Specter

She's level 9 right now which is kinda pitiful since I'm in closed beta. I'd play more but my computer is horrible with games... Which I think is the reason I get accepted into any MMORPG beta I apply for XD Hopefully I'll get some cash for XMas to upgrade my baby for the new year =)

SubZ name comes from the short form of Subzeroace and her last name is Specter because I was looking around my room for something to use as a last name and I saw my Danny Phantom action figure XD

Fusion Fall SubZ likes to be evil and do any mission form any villain she can find (mostly Father, because I wuv him <3) Sadly Numbah 2 has to be a spoil sport and make her show how things Father wants. SubZ has been seen several times trying to shoot down the KND Treehouse (Darn thing just keeps staying afloat!)

One Radical Dude 12-20-2008 11:33 AM

Me at 15 with Fusion Bloo.

antgirl1 12-20-2008 01:41 PM

What a lemonhead. J/K. 8D

scary_dream 12-23-2008 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by One Radical Dude (Post 102157)

I'm loving the lemon hat XD

I unfortunately didn't get to take a screen cap of my character because my game was so laggy I think the computer may have blown up :wiltshock: But maybe later whenever the game actually comes out. I'll have to make her again anyhow after the wipe.

antgirl1 12-23-2008 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by scary_dream (Post 102341)
I unfortunately didn't get to take a screen cap of my character because my game was so laggy I think the computer may have blown up :wiltshock: But maybe later whenever the game actually comes out. I'll have to make her again anyhow after the wipe.

That's exactly what my problem was. No matter what I did for the game, it was still laggy as ever. I've changed the resolution to the lowest possible, I've lowered the graphic quality as low as could be, I changed the "cache" file size (A little over 1000 MB, to be safe), even went fullscreen, but half - no, 90% - the time was just waiting for the game to stop slideshowing, to stop disconnecting me with the "network close" error, to just load the game, to just WISH it would work, to hope I didn't die from unknowingly getting attacked, (I just HATE it when I get near enemies and POP!, a lag. After it's over I find out I'm dead. WTF?) and the rest of the 10%, I managed to open a crate, go to Sector V, look at clothing, and kill one Sneaky Spawn.

That's all. Nothing more. I think it's just that my computer JUST can't take the bigness of the game (because there's SO MANY things there already, and it hasn't even RELEASED yet). Either that, or I'm just losing my patience and sanity.

Sorry to just unload all this like that. But I sincerely feel you. :(

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