Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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Sparky 11-29-2008 03:05 PM

FusionFall Players group
If you are a registered member of Never Forgotten and you play FusionFall, you can add yourself to the FusionFall Players usergroup. Just go to your usercp, and on the left under Networking click on Group Memberships. You will then be able to add yourself to the group.

I can't stop people from adding themselves just because they don't want to feel "left out" and not because they are actual players, but it would help me keep track of the number of players we really have on here if you don't join if you don't actually play. Thanks.

Sparky 12-19-2008 01:35 PM

Sorry to people who have sent in join requests; I just discovered that the forum does not actually inform me when someone has requested to join, I had to find the requests by accident. -_- I've approved all pending requests, and I'll try to fix that...

swarlock 12-24-2008 09:18 PM

I'll have to wait for my turn in a few days since it's not officially open yet.

Sparky 12-26-2008 06:39 PM

Just a reminder: the FF Players group is going to be the place to post "where you at?" and "what level you on/what nano are you using/what items do you have/want to trade" etc type posts and threads, as they are "chatty" and do not really add useful information for other players to read. If you're actually discussing the merits or disadvantages of a nano or weapons or whatever that's fine, but I don't want any "list" posts or threads or anything else that otherwise is closer to chatting than discussion. Since that board has the post count disabled, it's sort of like a Spam board, but for FF players, so you can think of it that way. Just fyi, if you post stuff like that in the main FF board its going to be moved to the player's board.

Again, I have to manually approve people who join the group, so please don't be shy about sending me a PM about it after requesting to join to make sure I approve you, as I don't otherwise get any notifications. :terrsmile:

KazooBloo 12-27-2016 12:47 PM

This was a great game.

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