pitbulllady |
12-01-2008 11:03 AM |
Originally Posted by Xroc88
(Post 100526)
I don't buy it until theres a source posted here.
This episode has already aired in the UK, according to some of our members in that country who have already seen it. What more "source" is required? Me, I'm actually looking forward to this one more than the rest, expect for the finale, and perhaps the one where the Foster's residents dare each other to do crazy things. I'm looking forward to THAT one because I know how Wilt reacts to someone challenging him or daring him to do something; he usually throws caution, along with his self-restraint, to the wind. Wilt's competitive nature overcomes all other aspects of his personality at such times, which makes it interesting to see just how far he'll go if pushed. BUT, I'm thinking that in terms of heart-string-tugging emotion, "Read 'Em and Weep" will get the prize, knowing how important it is to most of the Imaginary residents to have a loving family of their own, and knowing how long some have been there at Foster's, unwanted and uncared for, basically, by every child who's come through those doors(with the exceptions of Frankie when she was a little girl, and now, Mac).