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Cassini90125 10-09-2008 09:37 AM

Interstellar Wilt
I originally made this for a friend some time ago. Alas, she hasn't posted here or even visited in quite awhile and I don't think she'll be back. In any case I thought the rest of y'all might get some enjoyment out of the pic, so here it is:

This is the original bitmap file, slightly reduced in size so that my Photobucket account would take it without complaining. I had converted it to a JPEG file to reduce the filesize but for some reason red tends to come out splotchy when I convert bitmaps to JPEGs. Anyway, here it is, all 800k+ of it. Enjoy. ;)

Background image of the Vela nebula courtesy of NASA. :)

Mac-a-lacka 10-09-2008 09:40 AM

Ooh, neat looking. :) :D

pitbulllady 10-09-2008 01:30 PM

That's a great pic, Cassini! It really made my day...and my day needed some uplift, trust me!


antgirl1 10-09-2008 02:45 PM

Oooooh, spaaaaace....:D

Lynnie 10-09-2008 03:49 PM

Purdy background, very nice. I've always liked space pics. I think I've said that before but, yeah. :D Nice job on it, Cass!

jekylljuice 10-09-2008 04:03 PM

Nice fusion job, Cass. Hopefully the originally intended recipient will find her way back to us eventually. I'm sure that she'd love it.

Cassini90125 10-10-2008 07:42 AM

My thanks to all who commented. :)

The image of Wilt was originally part of the limited edition glicee print that I bought years ago. Extracting him from the background was an interesting experience at the time, considering that I had no idea what I was doing; the "one pixel at a time" method works and produces a nice smooth edge but with an image that size (about 3200 pixels tall) it can be a tad time-consuming. Makes for a very nice desktop pic, too. :)

Fomalhaut 10-10-2008 05:53 PM

Beautiful! Is it the Vela nebula? :o At first I thought it was the Tarantula one... seems I'm wrong.

WiltsAKGirl17 10-12-2008 11:26 AM

Cassini, that's amazing!!! I bow to your awesomeness. :)

Government Man 10-12-2008 06:46 PM

Looks great!

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