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Ccook50 09-03-2008 01:58 PM

"Charlie Brown" animator Bill Melendez dies
Mark Evanier has reported on his blog that Bill Melendez has died at age 91 from failing health. Bill worked at Disney and Warner Bros. before partnering with Lee Mendelson and starting a studio that made a ton of "Peanuts" animated TV specials (along with several theatrical movies).

That first special, A Charlie Brown Christmas, nearly didn't get on the air. CBS wanted adults to play the kids' voices and the show to have a laugh track. Charles Schulz put the kibosh on both of those ideas. CBS hated the special when they pre-screened it because it didn't have cartoon action (as, per se, some of their Saturday morning fare like Quick Draw McGraw or Tom & Jerry). But they were committed to airing it because they were contractually obliged with the sponsor, Coca-Cola. On that first airing, ratings went through the roof. It won an Emmy and a Peabody. CBS has been apologizing ever since (even though ABC now airs it).

fosters home fan 09-03-2008 02:09 PM

There's a lot of celebrities/well known people dying recently. >_>

Sorry to hear about that. My mom loves the "Peanuts" TV specials. Let Bill Melendez rest in peace.

Imaginary Light 09-03-2008 02:23 PM

What is up with all these celebrity deaths?

R.I.P. Bill Melendez will most certainly be missed.:(

jekylljuice 09-03-2008 02:49 PM

:( Sad news for sure - I've always been a big fan of those Peanuts specials. At least Bill Melendez got to live to a ripe old age.

Bloo2daMacs 09-03-2008 03:23 PM

Aw man! Well, may he rest in peace... :(

Kootiebirdo 09-03-2008 04:07 PM

Jeez, what can I say except that this guy made up a large part of my childhood with all the Peanuts specials that he has done over the years.

What a major hit to the animation world. Rest in peace, Bill. :(

Medikor 09-03-2008 04:44 PM

While not the biggest Peanuts fan in the world, I always enjoyed the Christmas special. Bill Melendez will certainly be missed.:(

bloonuggets 09-03-2008 04:49 PM

First, Don LaFontaine, The Voice of God, now Bill Melendez, The Voice of Snoopy.

I cry for them.

Lynnie 09-03-2008 05:57 PM

My word, this is getting ridiculous! Makes me worry about who's next. :macwor: Now we'll never hear Snoopy's or Woodstock's "whines" the same again (that's really all they ever did). I know the Peanuts aren't popular now days, but they were up there back in the day. And I've always been a fan of its quaintness. So you can bet Melendez will be missed by me and my family (especially my mother). :'(

lucyrocks73 09-03-2008 06:11 PM

I'm in shock. This is not my week... First Don, now Bill?

As you can see from my name (lucyrocks73, referring to Lucy Van Pelt from the Peanuts comics) I am a major Peanuts fan.

I'm so sad... :'(


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