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Frankie_4_Prez 06-05-2008 08:10 PM

The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack
It's a new series created (and voiced) by Thurop Van Orman, which premiered on June 5th. Have any of you seen the premiere? I remember Craig McCracken endorsing this show as Mr Van Orman is a good friend of his, so that's why I got interested in it to begin with.

So far I've seen the short where Flapjack plays "marionettes" with the fish in a market, and one of the sneak peeks on CN video (it involved Flapjack and K'nuckles collecting candy wrappers). Definitely has an interesting art style (close to Chowder's, in my opinion), and the fish short had a somewhat bizarre sense of humor to me. Hopefully this show will also have a large and colorful cast of characters!

Lynnie 06-05-2008 09:39 PM

I was thinking of starting this thread myself. Great minds think alike, it appears. :frankiesmile:

Anyway, I liked it ok, it's worth checking out. The animation is ok. They appear to be playing a bit of their gross factor cards, which I never cared much for, but I've seen much, much worse (don't get me started!). It is funny! I think my favorite character is the whale, and I really enjoyed the second segment of tonights premier about spying on people, and she says that her favorite peep hole is one that leads to herself-
"Just look at that whale, spying on other people all day! So sad. She's got no life!" 8D That made me laugh when I saw it in the ads over the last few weeks, but yeah, I think it was funnier seeing the entire scene.

I'll probably watch, at least for a while until I get more of a feel for it. But if it gets too gross or "immature", I'll quit watching. :P

One Radical Dude 06-05-2008 10:00 PM

I think I may need to watch another episode or two to make up my mind. The first half didn't really impress me at all. "Eye See You" was the better one, in my opinion. I'll watch again next week. Here's hoping that this series gets better and better. So far, I can't say much about the series (though it's just the beginning).

Sparky 06-05-2008 10:05 PM

I didn't see it, but I don't like the ads and promos. BUT, I didn't like the ads for Chowder and I think that show is great. So I'll have to give it a chance.

Shelltoon 06-06-2008 03:41 AM

Somehow I missed the debut for this one. Hopefully I can catch it at some point in the future.

emperor26 06-06-2008 06:04 AM

Meh, the show was somewhat okay.

I wasn't impressed by the art style (though I admit it is different), and oddly enough, I also think "Eye See You" was much better than the first half of the episode.

I'll probably watch a few more episodes before I could change my mind (and opinion) on Flapjack.

Nyo 06-07-2008 01:34 PM

I watched the premiere last night and it nothing special, really. For such a "light-hearted" show, I swear the colors the artists chose for backgrounds and characters are downright depressing to me. :(
I like Bubbie (the whale) myself- it's like she's the only one with a hint of personality.

Frankie_4_Prez 06-08-2008 11:40 AM

Yeah, I watched a bit more on CN video and I gotta say that the humor doesn't really appeal to me a whole lot... it's a bit too "slapstick" and "gross-me-out", if that makes any sense :P

Invader Bloo 06-10-2008 08:11 AM

It's ok. I like the pirate friend.

antgirl1 06-19-2008 05:00 PM

"Flaaaapjack...Flapy-jack...I am SO bored..." -Capt. Knuckles

ROFL...I love this show...:D

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