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D-Nice 05-28-2008 04:46 AM

Some insight please
Hey guy, I'm new here and have a few questions.

First off anybody know why they don't make action figures for Fosters? I think the closest thing available are the bobbleheads that they are gonna release soon. They keep pushing the date back at entertainment earth though. I pre-ordered them 2 months ago. Right now I have to make due with my own sculpts..
Unfortunately these are oviousy cant be handled like an action figure and it would be nice to have something a little more durable.

Also is there any more info on a season 3 release yet? I want to see if I could get it as a B-day present for someone in August if possible.


Wendi 05-28-2008 05:26 AM

AHH! Those are awesome!! They look amazing! I love them. :) Hahaha!!!

I don't know why they don't make them. I was kinda mad. :(

Ridureyu 05-28-2008 02:29 PM

Those are really impressive! Excellent job especially on the chocolate milk one!

Didn't Mattel plan to make some toys?

Frankie_4_Prez 05-28-2008 02:41 PM

Wow, nice sculpting AND photographing! It looks pro to me! :cheese:

Oh yeah, there's this thread Click here about the season 3 dvd, but nothing concrete. Only somebody reporting a "trailer"/commercial for the Foster's S3 dvd, available on a Scooby-doo dvd.

jekylljuice 05-28-2008 03:05 PM

Wow, those are really beautiful, D-Nice. :)

Yeah, I would have liked to have seen a bit more in the way of Foster's stuff myself - other than the Hot Topic range, which came to be increasingly Cheese-centric, there hasn't really been a huge deal on offer. The so-called "mass-marketing" from Mattel which I kept reading about in early 2007 never really happened, and the odd toys I saw pictures of here and there looked a bit disappointing. As to why this should be the case, your guess is as good as mine. Maybe the marketing potential just wasn't realised, or certain complications led to much of it being cancelled. From a strict marketing perspective, it's possible that any particularly extensive further Foster's merchandising would be seen as having missed the boat, given that the show is currently in its final season, although if Foster's is able to maintain a sufficient cult following within the years that follow then, who knows, maybe somebody will pick it up.

Ub3rD4n 05-28-2008 04:25 PM

Well, not being a toy man, I don't really have any useful information for you. But I thought those sculpts were freaken awesome!

pitbulllady 05-28-2008 04:29 PM

Those are absolutely great, D-Nice! Did you make them with Sculpey or other polymer clays or what?

I'd love to have a Wilt bobblehead to go in the rear deck of my Studebaker; that would SO rule! I've got two plastic figurines from fast-food restaurants that hang from the rear-view mirrors in my other two cars, but it's just not the same, and like you said, the home-made ones are not as durable or designed for being hauled around in a vehicle, especially if it's hot outside.


D-Nice 05-28-2008 04:51 PM

Hey all thanks for the compliments on the sculpts. The sculpts were made of Super Sculpey and bits of metal wire for Cheese's legs and arms. They are pretty easy to make. My next project is going to be Mac "on sugar" Should be fun to make.

Anyways, ya, they are missing the boat on making toys for this show. I don't understand it either. They come out with a Spiderman movie and theres like 5 different versions of his figure. We seem to get a new version of Optimus Prime every year an a half. But we cant seem to get a break with some fosters figures. Theres so many versions of each character they could do too. Its a shame.

Mac-a-lacka 05-28-2008 04:56 PM

Nice job! I really like the Cheese and chocolate milk one.:cheese:

I can't wait to see sugar crazed Mac.:)

Lynnie 05-28-2008 07:38 PM

Amazing sculptures, they're fantastic! I too would absolutely love to see a sugar crazed Mac when you're able to do it. :) There have been a few small Fosters toys, including small figurines that are showcased in the Red White and Bloo marathon every July 4th. They pop up on eBay now and then (and I know a member or two here own them themselves). There are also two small "statues", but they are not intended to be played with by children as they are very expensive, and are for serious collectors and for display purposes only. They also pop up on eBay now and then. I know there are a number of members here who own those. :frankiesmile:

As for S3 DVD, as it's been already pointed out, the last thing we heard was there was an ad for it on a DVD recently released for another show. Craig also mentioned on his dA page that he submitted the cover art for it some time ago. So all we know is that it's coming, but we have yet to learn the date. If we're lucky, it will be this fall sometime, but we don't know anything for sure yet.

Welcome to the forums, by the way. :D

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