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Sparky 05-20-2008 07:05 PM

The NF Donations Thread
(Because I don't want to talk about donations or finances in the main NF thread anymore, but it's about the website so I put it in the same section.)

Donation Link

This site's domain will expire on July 1. Unfortunately, right before Comic-Con isn't the best time for me to cough up extra money on top of the regular monthly fees. Donations would be greatly appreciated (and not just from those that usually donate...).

One year will run us $40, two years will run $75, 3 would be $100. I usually prefer to go two or three years but if all I can afford this time is one year it's fine.

We have until July, I just wanted to post this now. :terrsmile:

koosie 05-24-2008 03:51 AM

That's a sad thing. I'm feeling a little guilty because I've got this green banner under my name and I've not donated anything for a long time. I hate making excuses but fuel is currently $2.40 a Litre here and I'm struggling to pay back the bank every month. Things are tough all over I suppose. Maybe things will turn around in June.

So will all this be erased if we don't pay up?

Sparky 05-24-2008 02:27 PM

Oh, no. It would just hurt GM and I a lot less if people helped out.

One Radical Dude 05-24-2008 09:07 PM

I'll try to help you out a bit before July 1.

Shelltoon 06-01-2008 03:23 PM

Hopefully you'll have received my donation soon. It should be enough to keep the domain alive for another year.

Sparky 06-01-2008 03:46 PM

Yes thank you, but it's best to buy multiple years so I hope to get more donations. Plus I can barely afford this month's site fee as it is, so there's that too. Remember it's not just the domain name renewal, this site costs me $35 every month, plus renewing the vBulletin license every year as well.

Shelltoon 06-13-2008 01:39 AM

I got paid today, so you should be receiving my donation soon.

Sparky 06-13-2008 02:49 PM

I do appreciate it...things are pretty tight around here right now.

Sparky 10-21-2008 02:58 PM

I always hate having to ask, but I could use some more donations. So anything anyone can give would help. You can make donations here.

I also have some [adult swim] t-shirts that were donated to me by narfcake, and I'd like to sell those.

(That's a really small CN logo on the back.) I have 3 L's and 4 XL's. Since I'm seeing them go for about $10 on eBay I'll put them up for $10, shipped. If you want one Paypal me at rather than the donations email. I'll keep the numbers I have up to date in this post.

Please don't forget about the Cafepress and Amazon shops as well. Thanks. :terrsmile:

koosie 10-22-2008 04:32 AM

It is with great shame that I have to plead poverty again. I'm sorry Sparky. Things didn't turn around like I'd hoped this summer so it looks like it'll be yet another hard winter up here. Every year I wish they'd give christmas a miss just for one year so we didn't all have to waste our money buying stuff for each other we don't really want or need. I'm prepared to make an exception for the kiddies of course as it's not fair to deprive them of pressies but then that's easy for me to say as I don't have any.

Anyway as soon as things pick up, you'll be the first to know. If I can help in any other way like pestering or intimidating people into handing over money, I'd be glad to. :edmad:

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