Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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NeverToo 04-06-2008 10:40 AM

Happy B-day to Tomarinho
Sometimes we don't appreciate our old members but today we can now.

So give a happy wish out to Tomarinho's B-day or birthday if you like to call it. :balloons:
So com'on and give him a good happy birthday wish out and besides I'm the only one doing this thread so happy birthday Tomarinho. And hope you have a great birthday party and a celebration from your family. :wish: :cake: :flatware:

Diamond Duchess 04-06-2008 12:49 PM

Oh, why not? Happy birthday, Tomarinho! I hope you have a nice one!

koosie 04-06-2008 02:55 PM

There we go, Nevertoo, me and DD are wishing Tomarinho a happy birthday despite that fact he's never so much as posted a smilie or a 'lol' on this entire forum.

It's nice that that you want to make people happy so please don't be sad if not everyone quite gets where you're coming from all the time... or any of it for that matter. It's ok;)

So yeh happy birthday Tomarinho. We'll never forget you, old buddy.

pitbulllady 04-06-2008 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by NeverToo (Post 75680)
Sometimes we don't appreciate our old members but today we can now.

So give a happy wish out to Tomarinho's B-day or birthday if you like to call it. :balloons:
So com'on and give him a good happy birthday wish out and besides I'm the only one doing this thread so happy birthday Tomarinho. And hope you have a great birthday party and a celebration from your family. :wish: :cake: :flatware:

What do you mean "old members"? This Tomarinho dude is only 15(which I guess would seem old if you're a lot younger than that, no?), and has never posted, not even once, on this forum, probably having joined for no other reason than to get cheat codes for "BFAFP"-hardly a veteran member any way you look at it.


Sparky 04-06-2008 03:36 PM

:jk: All right, cool down, so NT wanted to wish someone Happy's not a big deal. True enough that it's a good rule of thumb to only wish a HB to someone you know posts, but the forum won't burst into flames. ;)

Happy birthday Tomarinho, wherever you may

jekylljuice 04-07-2008 02:50 AM

What the heck? Our good friend Tommy may never have contributed anything to the forum, but I figure that everyone deserves a happy birthday. Hope it was a good one, Tommy, wherever life may have taken you since your brief stop at Never Forgotten. ;)

xxxClaire 04-11-2008 07:20 AM

Happy Birthday!

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