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Lynnie 03-17-2008 01:07 AM

Happy St. Paddy's!
This may not be the biggest holiday of the year, but as I have Irish blood running through my veins, and had some time to kill, I thought I'd go ahead and say

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

And will you lookee here, Foster's actually goes to Europe!
Here they are at some ruins near Belfast, Ireland. And as we can certainly understand, they are all very happy at being there. :D

And now to wish you all Claddagh!
Love, Loyalty and Friendship! Yup, we've got it all here. Slainte! Cheers! :frankiesmile:
And wishing everyone some Luck o' the Irish! Have a good day!

And if you decide to celebrate with some drinks, please do so responsibly. =)

One Radical Dude 03-17-2008 01:41 AM

The very day of my parents' anniversary. 32-33 years; I don't know the exact number, but it's in that area. :P Anyways, Happy St. Patrick's Day, and wear your green!

BluebottleFlyer 03-17-2008 02:43 AM

Don't really celebrate it, as I have no Irish connections, but what the heck. Happy St. Pat's all.:)
Love the Foster's gang in Belfast pic, btw, Lynnie.;)

Diamond Duchess 03-17-2008 07:58 AM

I'm not Irish, but a happy St. Patrick's Day to all those out there! It's not the biggest holiday around, but it's one of the most fun. Besides, there's green everywhere! (It's my favorite color)

You all have a good one, and thanks Lynnie for all the Irish/European pictures. Nice way to get us into the spirit.

jekylljuice 03-17-2008 10:13 AM

Oh yeah, this always feels like a pretty significant day on my personal calendar, possibly because just about everyone on my dad's side of the family is Irish...except for my dad, oddly enough.

Hope you're all wearing something green by which to honour the occasion. Me, I'm presently sporting an aqua shirt and jacket, and after much care and frustration, I was able to pick all the knots from the chain on my shamrock pendant.

Well, topa tha evenin' to ya all. ;D

WiltsAKGirl17 03-17-2008 11:05 AM

Happy St. Patrick's from Alaska, everyone! (And for the record, I'm wearing green earrings and a dark green shirt that says, "They say I Have ADD, but they don't understand. Oh look! A chicken!" I'm covered as far as green goes. Haven't pinched anyone yet, though.)

Ah yes, and Lynnie-- LOVE the Foster's bunch in Ireland. Very cute! XD

Imaginary Light 03-17-2008 11:21 AM

Happy St. Patrick's Day to the lot of ya! Me, I'm not currently sporting any green except for some earrings. Oh, and I'm wearing my Claddagh ring, so that's gotta count for something, right?

Sparky 03-17-2008 12:07 PM

We actually celebrated St. Patrick's Day on Friday because of the Holy Week conflict, but yes I know it's technically today. Happy St. Pat's Day all. :terrsmile:

Pawbah 03-17-2008 02:31 PM

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! My brother already tried to pinch me, the snot. I'm wearing green so he didn't of course.

Every St. Patrick's Day My mom makes corn beef and cabbage. Does anyone eles have traditions like that?

Cassini90125 03-17-2008 02:38 PM

We had corned beef and spinach; my father and brother couldn't stand cabbage. Boiled potatoes as well. No one left the table feeling less than full. ;D

Happy St. Patrick's Day! :)

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