Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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italianglowstix 09-03-2006 01:52 PM

Today at this church picnic, one of my friends and I were talking about the movie "The Goonies". I started thinking about what Foster's would be like if one of the scenes was played out from the Goonies. You probably already know which one I'm talking about. The statue scene. If Wilt broke the statue, Bloo tried fixing it, and Mac was freaking out.
Mac: Oh shoot! Oh shoot! That's my mom's favorite piece!
Wilt: I am so SO sorry, Mac!
Bloo: There, it's as good as new!
Mac: What the heck, Bloo? You put it upside down! If God made us like that, we'd all be (deleted) in our faces!!

So, what movie scene do you think would be funnier if played out by Foster's?

Eduardo: Let me in, guys!
Bloo: First you gotta do the truffle shuffle!
Eduardo: Come on!
Bloo: Do it!
Ed: Come ooon!
Bloo: DO IT!
Ed: *does truffle chuffle*
Bloo: Come on in! *slams door in Ed's face*
Eduardo: YOU (deleted)!!!

Kzinistzerg 09-03-2006 05:14 PM

Hmmm... I don't know... Wait... Wait...

I can totally see Bloo (dunno with who else) doing the scene in Blues Brothers where jake and elwood escape from the bar where they pretended to be the "good ol' boys"

Or... Bloo as the french guy in the tower in the Holy Grail...

antgirl1 09-03-2006 07:50 PM

I'm sorry, but I've never seen that movie.

Voxxyn 09-11-2006 09:08 PM

In my opinion, this thread should be renamed so that it can feature Foster's parodies of ALL movies, not just Goonies. If not, then someone else can start a new thread, because I'm lazy... :P

kageri 09-12-2006 06:36 AM

You know that episode of South Park, "Manbearpig", where there's a cave-in and Cartman finds treasure, and he doesn't want to share it with anybody, so he eats it?


scary_dream 09-12-2006 09:59 AM

I am too amazed by my mental image of Bloo making Eduardo do the truffle shuffle to do anything else! 8D

So funny!

KazooBloo 12-02-2016 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by kageri (Post 5324)
You know that episode of South Park, "Manbearpig", where there's a cave-in and Cartman finds treasure, and he doesn't want to share it with anybody, so he eats it?



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