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Invader Bloo 12-01-2007 01:22 PM

What Game system do you have/Want?
I got my 360 today, won't be able to open it until Christmas though.

So how about everyone else?

some guy you dont know 12-01-2007 01:50 PM

ive been wondering about this for a while. i'd prefer a ps3, but only if it has backwards compatability. otherwise its the wii.

Shelltoon 12-01-2007 02:18 PM

I currently own:
Atari 2600
Sega Dreamcast
Microsoft Xbox 360
Nintendo Wii
Nintendo DS Lite

I would like:
Magnavox Odyssey
Sony Playstation 3 (As long as it was backwards compatible)

BabyCharmander 12-01-2007 02:47 PM

I have, uh... Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, Nintendo DS, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, GameCube, Wii, and Playstation 2. %D;

I have no plans to get an Xbox 360 or a PS3. (Although there are like... three games I'd like for the Xbox 360. >>)

Subzeroace 12-01-2007 04:20 PM

I'm still on PS2 and PSP/DS D=

I want a 360 or a PS3, but I won't be getting one anytime soon... Their both still in the "too much for a X-Mas present" category.

I'm not interested in a Wii, the only game I'd end up buying would be SSB: Brawl. I had a NGC back in the day and I only had two games for it (Sonic Adventure 2: Battle and SSB: Melee) and when I sold it back to EB Games I got more credit for SA2:B then the console it's self ._.

I'm not really much of a Nintendo fan other then Pokemon >>

So I'm gonna say a 360 would be my choice console atm, I really want to try out Bioshock! Plus LOST, Heroes and Brütal Legend when they come out, but their on PS3 as well XD

Cassini90125 12-01-2007 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Subzeroace (Post 65853)
So I'm gonna say a 360 would be my choice console atm, I really want to try out Bioshock! Plus LOST, Heroes and Brütal Legend when they come out, but their on PS3 as well XD

Off-topic: Do not buy the PC version of Bioshock; it contains SecuROM. :frankiemad:

Medikor 12-01-2007 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 65855)
Off-topic: Do not buy the PC version of Bioshock; it contains SecuROM. :frankiemad:

So Capcom's on that train too, eh? Thanks for the heads up, Cass.

Anyway, for the newest generation of consoles, I'm a Wii fan all the way. I got an NES on the first Christmas of it's release and have been a loyal Nintendo fan all my life. I have gotten some other consoles outside of Nintendo, though. The PlayStation 1 and Sega Genesis were great systems. But my #1 console of all time will always be the SNES.
In general I'm amazed at how far video games have come over the years. I can't remember the last time that any generation of consoles have received so much media attention. While it is nice to be able to talk about games without being called a nerd or geek, the mainstream status that video games have gotten in the entertainment genre has its downsides.

Sparky 12-01-2007 06:29 PM

I'm not interested in any of the new ones (the only newer system I wanted was the DS and I got that already). I still want a Gamecube though. And I'd like to pick up another Atari 2600 sometime.

BabyCharmander 12-01-2007 06:45 PM

If you wanna' play GameCube then you might as well get a Wii, since it can play GameCube games. (Unless you're sure you don't want any Wii games and just want to pick up an old GameCube for cheap, which I could understand.) I haven't tried it myself, though, since I haven't been playing many of my GameCube games lately. (...And actually, I haven't been playing my Wii games much, either, but I have been having fun with the different Wii channels. %D)

Little Baby IceCream 12-01-2007 06:46 PM

I so want a Wii for Christmas! It is all I have been thinking about over the course of a few weeks or so. I really hope I get it!

Little Baby IceCream ;)

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