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Mr. Marshmallow 04-22-2007 09:01 PM

Presents for the Fosters gang
The idea for this thread is to basically ask, if one of the Foster's gang was having a birthday, party, holiday celebration, or just if you wanted to rank up some brownie points with that character: what would you buy them?

What present or gift would you buy and for what Foster's character? Would it be something simple like a coat or a necklace, or something big and expensive like a car or speedboat etc.

Me? I'd buy (surprise, surprise) something for Frankie, a full spa treatment. Massages, mud baths, a full body clean up to give Frankie's no doubt over worked nerves some much needed rest and relaxation.


frankie_fan 04-22-2007 09:14 PM

I'd would buy Frankie the latest Pride and Prejudice movie on DVD (the one with Keira Knightley in it).

HappyFoppy 04-22-2007 10:28 PM

I'd give Bloo a race car bed. 8D

Cassini90125 04-23-2007 05:56 AM

What would I want to give Frankie... Dinner, uninterrupted, at Futurpoup or Londoste comes to mind, as do front row tickets to the concert of her choice. The full spa treatment would be great, or a week or two at Lake Placid or the Riviera, someplace nice and relaxing. But when I think of what I'd most like to give to Frankie, the one thing that always tops my list is a ring. :frankiesmile:

Mr. Marshmallow 04-23-2007 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 41486)
What would I want to give Frankie... Dinner, uninterrupted, at Futurpoup or Londoste comes to mind, as do front row tickets to the concert of her choice. The full spa treatment would be great, or a week or two at Lake Placid or the Riviera, someplace nice and relaxing. But when I think of what I'd most like to give to Frankie, the one thing that always tops my list is a ring. :frankiesmile:

*starts humming wedding chimes* can't argue with that :frankiesmile:.

frankie_fan 04-23-2007 08:09 PM

I'd actually get Frankie a nice, beautiful gold necklace. *suddenly realises I'd get a million kisses from Frankie and blushes wildly* :-*

Cassini90125 04-23-2007 08:19 PM

I see we're on the verge of starting another "We Love Frankie" thread. Not that there's anything wrong with that. :frankiesmile:

How about the rest of the cast? At the very least I'd like to get Wilt a bed of his own that's long enough for him, and I think Mr. Herriman would thoroughly enjoy a night at the symphony or the opera. The rest of the cast I'm drawing a blank on at the moment, Madam Foster in particular. What does one give to the grand old lady who started it all?

frankie_fan 04-23-2007 08:22 PM

I'd get Madame Foster a motorised scooter

Sparky 04-23-2007 08:25 PM

Not that I can afford it, but I'd get my poor Terrence some braces. And maybe some non-girly facial scrub.

Voxxyn 04-23-2007 09:38 PM

I'd give Mac a birthday party that wouldn't be ruined by Bloo, and hang out with him to give him the opportunity to, at the very least, be with someone who will try to be a genuine, constant friend for him.

Everyone else has already mentioned the best ideas for Frankie, so I'd just give her a hug and let her know that there are people who are genuinely appreciative of her.

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