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Pantsy Nancy 09-02-2006 11:51 AM

Who Want's To Live Here?
Who Besides Me Actually Wishes They Lived At This House? And What Would Your Room Look Like?

Thornwhistle 09-02-2006 08:22 PM

Yes,I'd love to live in Foster's House and have my own room. I have to think about how I want my room decorated though. I want to do half of Frankie's chores to help her out.

BlooCheese 09-02-2006 08:52 PM

I'd live at Foster's too.

Cassini90125 09-02-2006 09:10 PM

I guess a lot of us would. If I could, I'd move in without even stopping to think about it. :)

One Radical Dude 09-02-2006 09:19 PM

Who wouldn't? 8D Count me in. How do I sign up? What do you do? :P

Cassini90125 09-02-2006 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by One Radical Dude (Post 4048)
Who wouldn't? 8D Count me in. How do I sign up? What do you do? :P

A donation to the house is all that's required. The check can be sent to:

The "Cassini's power bill is due again" fund
5050 Yeahthiswillwork lane
Foster's Valley, HD 90125

PayPal and cash also accepted.

;D ;D ;D

Mr. Marshmallow 09-02-2006 10:25 PM

I'd love to live at this place, you certainly would never be bored there. And while I too would love to give Frankie a helping hand with the chores, I would have to say i'd rather not like be roomed next to Bloo, Eduardo, Coco, and Wilt.

Something tells me I wouldn't get much sleep OR privacy that way ;D. My room would be loaded with movie posters and have anime/toon stuff decorated all over it (kinda like how my room is now) and have a computer like Frankie has.

Voxxyn 09-03-2006 05:43 PM

I'm with what Mr. Marshmellow said :frankiesmile:

pitbulllady 09-03-2006 05:47 PM

As crazy as I am about a certain tall red IF, I would NOT want to live at Foster's. I do not, in any way, shape or form believe that Mr. Herriman would condone keeping snakes and tarantulas in that house, and I KNOW that at least one large, furry, purple resident would strongly object! I'm just not willing to give up my snakes and spiders. I wouldn't mind visiting, but I would not want to live there.

Wilt would just have to come live with me.


Mr. Marshmallow 09-03-2006 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 4194)
Wilt would just have to come live with me.

There's a certain red head at Foster's who I'd be more then happy to make her the same offer :blooevil: *insert perverted evil fan boy laugh here*.

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