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Mayor Adam West 10-21-2007 04:35 PM

Foster's Home Wiki
Okay, I found this on Scratchpad Wiki

Basically, a Wiki for the show that's small, but will slowly expanded.

I already made a page for Berry, as you could see in the category area.

Everyone should help out and expand it, and hopefully, it will have it's own Wiki.

Mayor Adam West 10-22-2007 01:22 AM

I've also done a page for Bendy and another for Jackie Khones.

Whenever I do get other time and when I do feel like it, I'll carry on making other pages.

But remember, if anyone wants to, they can contribute, create pages and all that.

And like it says, if it can attract at least 20 editors, it can be requesed as a proper Wiki all on it's own.

WiltsAKGirl17 10-24-2007 08:05 PM

I just looked at the Wiki. It's pretty good-- needs a little work, but if enough people contribute, it'd be something!

I edited a few things-- added a detail on Wilt's paragraph and talked a bit about Ed's creator in Ed's paragraph, since Bloo's and Wilt's creators were mentioned in each characters' respective section.

Good find, Mayor Adam West!

Mayor Adam West 10-25-2007 06:04 PM


I mean, I saw it mentioned here somewhere I think, but I thought I'd bring it up again, especially after finding it myself.

KazooBloo 12-23-2016 10:40 PM

Prefer the actual Fosters one.

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