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WiltsAKGirl17 10-16-2007 06:51 PM

Foster's Recipes
Here's something fun I thought up when I was thinking about my next cooking assignment in my Home Ec class (crepes, just in case y'all care): Foster's-inspired recipes.

The way this works is, you give a recipe that already exists a new, Foster's-y name and give us a brief how-to-make-it lesson.

Here are my two:

Bloo and Berry Muffins ( :bloosmirk: & :berry: )
Take any standard blueberry muffin recipe, but add equal amounts of raspberries, cranberries, whatever (ex.: 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup raspberries). Bonus points if you add food coloring to make the batter Bloo- or Berry-colored!

Coco's Cocoa (You had to know someone would go here after seeing the pilot ep...)
Make 1 envelope of instant hot cocoa according to pack directions. Add ground cinnamon and vanilla extract as desired. Stir and enjoy! (Whipped cream optional.)

Have fun cooking!

Sparky 10-16-2007 07:06 PM

I moved this to the "general" board because it's not an actual like, discussion thread about the show itself, just something Foster's related. It's not a big deal and I'm sure there are other threads that could be moved...I just actually noticed this time, lol.

I cook a LOT and I can probably come up with something for this thread...other than "Mac's Bloo's Baloney Sandwiches". 8D

Ub3rD4n 10-17-2007 02:20 PM

LOL, Madame Foster's Cookbook!:mfoster:

Okay, only people who read discworld novels will be cracking up here, and even then only a few of them, but TRUST ME, if you do get it, it's HILARIOUS.

Have you tried thinking up Foster's Famous Triple Chocolate Chip Cookies? Or Berry's Snicker Doodles? Or It?:frankiemad:

WiltsAKGirl17 10-17-2007 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 59584)
I moved this to the "general" board because it's not an actual like, discussion thread about the show itself, just something Foster's related. It's not a big deal and I'm sure there are other threads that could be moved...I just actually noticed this time, lol.

I cook a LOT and I can probably come up with something for this thread...other than "Mac's Bloo's Baloney Sandwiches". 8D

Oops. :-[ Sorry, Sparky. I just stuck it somewhere (I don't even remember where, honestly...)-- I was in a bit of a rush because I was supposed to be writing an essay (that's due tomorrow!) at the time.

Oh yeah. I just remembered. Regarding my comments about making crepes (see first post in thread)... They turned out fantastic. (Again, just in case someone cares. Besides, I'm sure we can tie crepes to Foster's somehow.)

Lynnie 10-17-2007 06:59 PM


"It". Beef liver, lard, leftover peas, old "slime-ized" lettuce and brussel sprouts, old hard rice, the scrapings from old jam jars, and any other leftovers in the fridge that you know you will never use otherwise. Put it all in a blender, and serve as is. Yucky! :frankiemad:

Bloo's Chicken Salad Sandwiches Your basic chicken salad recipe with extra celery. Spread on white bread, and enjoy.

Old Coot's Pudding Your basic chocolate pudding recipe, but instead of made with milk, it's made with vanilla flavored Ensure protein shake.

Foster's Trail Mix Equal amounts of honey roasted peanuts, salted almonds and cashews, pretzel sticks, granola, crushed taco shells, dates and freeze dried bananas. Mix together, and then add one raisin.

Mac's Hiccup Remedy A tablespoon of peanut butter, a bottle of hot sauce, a gallon of water, and a lemon. Keep eating and drinking until hiccups are gone.

Madame F.'s Survival Food Toothpaste and acorns! Just keep eating until you find REAL food!

And..... I'm out of ideas. Maybe I'll think of more later. 8D

Zeitgheist 10-18-2007 08:44 AM

Mac n' Cheese and Bloo Cheese

You can get it in your local store, no need for recipes 8D

WiltsAKGirl17 10-18-2007 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Zeitgheist (Post 59779)
Mac n' Cheese and Bloo Cheese

You can get it in your local store, no need for recipes 8D

Then the recipe would be, "Buy a box of Macaroni and Cheese and make according to package directions," wouldn't it? (Just a thought...)

I thought of a new one, but I need to bug my friend for a recipe. Sorry, y'all... :-/

Sorry-- inspiration just struck!

Bloo and Cheese-Burgers ( :bloosmirk: & :cheese: )

Make hamburger patties as you like them (Medium-well, well-done, etc.). A few minutes before the patties are done, sprinkle each burger with bleu cheese. Let melt, serve immediately as desired.

P.S. I imagine that if you're a vegetarian you could do this with a veggie patty in place of a meat one, but I can't guarantee the results-- I've never tried it.

Lynnie 10-18-2007 09:14 PM

I'm not a fan of bleu cheese really, but those cheese burgers sound good. The bleu cheese I imagine would be a nice compliment to the tomatoes, and maybe the pickles too. Oh no, I'm craving a hamburger now...

Another recipe, another for Coco's Cocoa- Spoon four heaping teaspoons of cocoa mix into a large mug and pour boiling water over it. While stirring, pour a little cream of coconut (usually used to make Pina Colada) into the mug. Top off with whipped cream. Yum!


Nuts! 8D

WiltsAKGirl17 10-23-2007 08:21 PM

OK, here's yet another new one:

Eduardo's Dessert Nachos (:smed:)
Take a burrito shell and cut into six wedges like a pizza. Deep fry the wedges until golden brown. Remove from grease and place on a paper towel to drain. Before they wedges are completely cool, sprinkle with cinnamon-sugar. Serve with frosting if desired.

I give my dad credit for this one. He made these last night with burritos and they were SOOOOOO good! They're addictive little suckers-- I ate about 7 or eight and finally told my parents, "Don't let me eat any more of these things." We didn't have the frosting, but we thought it would be a nice touch.

P.S. I just noticed that on all of the recipes I've put up, I've had a character smilie. Strange...

Subzeroace 10-23-2007 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by WiltsAKGirl17 (Post 59805)

Bloo and Cheese-Burgers ( :bloosmirk: & :cheese: )

Make hamburger patties as you like them (Medium-well, well-done, etc.). A few minutes before the patties are done, sprinkle each burger with bleu cheese. Let melt, serve immediately as desired.

P.S. I imagine that if you're a vegetarian you could do this with a veggie patty in place of a meat one, but I can't guarantee the results-- I've never tried it.

I've got a suggestion for that one; When I was a kid and it was April Fools day my mom would make homemade hamburgers that she dyed the patties different colours with food colouring! If you're making the patties yourself you could dye them blue for Bloo 8D

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