Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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The Huntsman 09-16-2007 04:23 PM

A Belated Introduction
I never actually introduced myself on this forum, so I thought I’d take the time to make this topic, even though I’ve been registered for a while. I used to be a huge fan of Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends, but then I lost some weight… Bad joke, I know, but that’s the way I wanted it to be. I still love the show, but I wasn’t able to watch it for personal reasons. I’m too insecure to watch the show in front of my family, as they dismissed it as nothing more than a stupid show, and I lacked the courage to watch it in front of them as I was afraid about what they might say. Yeah, I know that I’m twenty years old; I know I’m childish, but I can’t easily overcome my fears. At any rate, I have my own room again and I’ll be able to watch Foster’s again, and I’ll be able to catch back up on my fandom.

The sad thing is, I don’t really remember much of anything about my Foster’s fandom. Bad experiences, both online and offline, have caused my mind to shift its focus and I’ve forgotten a lot of what I did from 2004 to 2006. I even found an old birthday drawing Sparky made for me that I completely forgot about. I know that I’m a horrible person for forgetting something so precious, but despite my best efforts, I just can’t remember much of anything. I appreciated that Picture, Sparky, and I apologize for forgetting the kindness that you had shown me over the years.

With that, I’m sorry I started off on the wrong foot. I know I “didn’t”, but I still feel like I did. I hope that I’ll be able to re-claim my fandom for Foster’s, and maybe through discussing things on this forum, I’ll be able to get back to how I used to be. At any rate, I hope to spend more time here than I have since I registered, and maybe we can all have some good discussions about the show.

Sparky 09-16-2007 05:01 PM

*looks at the sig she used to have on DA back then, and looks down at her Blues Brothers*

Well I guess I could officially welcome you here :terrsmile:

Cassini90125 09-16-2007 05:13 PM

Greetings and welcome! :)

xxxClaire 09-16-2007 05:15 PM

Welcome! :)

taranchula 09-16-2007 05:41 PM

Never too late for a welcoming post, so here it is...


The Huntsman 09-16-2007 05:53 PM

Thanks, folks; I appreciate it.

Lynnie 09-16-2007 08:36 PM

Hi there, Huntsman! You've actually been on the forums five days longer than I have, but Welcome none the less! Foster's fans rule! :clap:

Ub3rD4n 09-16-2007 11:48 PM

Yay! I guess that means you're here to stay this time, right? Either way, welcome (back) aboard!

One Radical Dude 09-17-2007 12:18 AM

Before my family knew that I was into Foster's, I had felt the same way. I didn't want to let my family know that I'm into that series. That slowly changed around the summer of 2006. I overcame my fear of how anime fans at Anime Expo 2006 would react to Bloo (in costume) being at that con. Fortunately, I was surprised in a great way!! Once my parents saw my costume, they knew about it, and they really didn't say anything, though they liked what they saw. Just over a month ago, I had Keith Ferguson wish my mother a happy birthday, using the Bloo voice. I've conquered a lot of things I used to fear (the last thing I mentioned, meeting folks that work on TV shows, letting some people know what I watch, etc.) So, yeah, I do understand where you are coming from.

Anyhoo, enjoy your time here, Huntsman. :)

jekylljuice 09-17-2007 03:21 AM

Hullo Huntsman, good to have you with us. :berry:

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