Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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Shelltoon 07-18-2007 07:05 AM

Coming out of Lurking!
Hello everyone! I don't know how many people will actually read this, but here's my introduction.

My name is Shelltoon, and I'm big on cartoons. Two of my favorite cartoons were Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi and My Life as a Teenage Robot. Ultimately both shows died, and the fanbases gave up on trying to save the shows and those fanbases went away, so I didn't have a cartoon I could love and discuss.

When I first stumbled upon Foster's, the one thing I noticed is that compared to a lot of stuff out there... Foster's had so much heart, warmth, and charm that I fell in love with it. It may be the best cartoon I've ever seen because of that feeling, and I'm glad I stumbled upon it.

So here I am, coming out of lurking, saying hello, introducing myself and what-not, and will hopefully enjoy my stay!

jekylljuice 07-18-2007 07:17 AM

Hey there, Shelltoon, glad that you've finally decided to step out of the shadows. I welcome you wholeheartedly, and I'm sure that everyone else here will do the same. :D

Cassini90125 07-18-2007 07:29 AM

Welcome aboard, make yourself at home! :)

Imaginary Light 07-18-2007 07:48 AM

Woohoo for coming out of lurking! I welcome you warmly8-)

emperor26 07-18-2007 08:15 AM

Hi, Shelltoon, and welcome to the Never Forgotten forum. :)

Lynnie 07-18-2007 08:28 AM

Here's an official "Welcome" from a fellow ex-lurker! 8-)

One Radical Dude 07-18-2007 11:50 AM

Great nickname, Shelltoon. I'm glad you joined us! :bloogrin:

Sparky 07-18-2007 12:12 PM

Welcome (as it were)! :terrsmile:

antgirl1 07-18-2007 01:09 PM

Hello! Enjoy your stay, Shelltoon. :D

Partymember 07-18-2007 01:22 PM

(lurk, lurk, lurk)

Welcome! :)

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