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Owennoreen 07-01-2007 08:34 AM

Embarrassing moments
Ok this thread is about Embarrassing moments what i mean by that is you can talk about like for example: have you ever done something embarrassing in class or in front of alot of people or were you trying to do something and you messed up and got hurt those kinds of things! Ok my embarrassing moments was when i was in class doing some math when i cut the chesse i really didn't mean to but it was really loud and so all of the kids were yelling at me and holdind they're noses and another one is when in 3rd grade i was between to desks i put my hands on both of them and i started to swing and i fell on my back and another thing is when i was walking handing my teacher my paper when i tripped on my face! So what happend to you guys?:(:terrence::frankiemad::macwor:

Fomalhaut 07-01-2007 11:04 AM

I was at a school camp, and the house had two stories. I was writing some sort of entry to a contest held here, and shouted down to the girls downstairs: "Any ideas?"
They replied: "No, we'll see later!"
Then a male voice: "No!"
I thought it was that horrid guy I HATED and shouted.
"Shut up, dude!"
(It was a teacher. I apologised to him later.)

Owennoreen 07-01-2007 03:07 PM

Ouch how much trouble did you get into?

Sparky 07-01-2007 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Fomalhaut (Post 49156)
I was at a school camp, and the house had two stories. I was writing some sort of entry to a contest held here, and shouted down to the girls downstairs: "Any ideas?"
They replied: "No, we'll see later!"
Then a male voice: "No!"
I thought it was that horrid guy I HATED and shouted.
"Shut up, dude!"
(It was a teacher. I apologised to him later.)

That reminds me of this one time when I was in my front yard when I was a kid talking to the jays in the tree (yeah I talked to birds...well, still do) and someone behind me said something, something about the jays, and I snarled back this really sarcastic remark because I thought for sure it was my brother. Then I turned around and there's this horrified little old woman standing there. :wiltshock:

Partymember 07-01-2007 07:36 PM

hehe, i don't think i can share any of the really, really, embarassing crap i've done. I'm sure i could think of something but anything even remotley appropriate for this site just pales in comparison to some of the crap i've done. :-X

soooooooooo stupid...

Lynnie 07-01-2007 08:45 PM

Oh, I love topics like these! :bloogrin:

I was a junior in academy and on a mission trip with my school to Mexico. The bathrooms in the run-down building we were staying in didn't have doors, so we hung up blankets as make shift curtains. I was in one, about to do my business when the guy I just happened to have the biggest crush on walks in and sees me just as I was about to sit down.... At least he apologised for it. But I couldn't make eye contact with him for the rest of the school year.

Another time is when I was at the library with my parents, younger bro and younger sis. My bro and I always had this running joke where we'd pretend we didn't know eachother when we were in public. I thought I saw him standing at a table looking through some pamphlets and I approached him from behind and started saying stuff like "Ew, who are you? You're weird! I don't know you! Go away!" When I looked up, I saw it WASN'T HIM!!! I apologised, busted out laughing, and ran outside to the car. Needless to say, I never went back to that library again...

Owennoreen 07-02-2007 12:24 PM

that is embarrassing!

Bloo2daMacs 07-02-2007 01:21 PM

Well, in school (Can't remember which grade) I had this REALLY sensetive friend. For some reason, I decided to pull his chair out. Suddenly he decided to sit down and he fell (not very hard) and started screaming and crying and yelling at me. Every one was staring at me like I was a horrible monster. I apologized: "Oh, I'm sorry! My foot got caught on your chair and I pulled it back! On accident! Sorry! It was an accident!" He was still bawling, and every one was gawking at me. He forgave me, so it wasn't all that "embarrasing", but I still felt like crap. :(

basilsunshine 07-03-2007 07:26 AM

There's an embarrassing realization I had like 3 minutes ago: So This morning I fell asleep at 6 in the morning, and wanted to be up by twelve in the afternoon for Camp Lazlo. BUT, I woke up at what I thought was 8:30 at night, and I was soooo made because I thought I missed the CL marathon. So for the next two hours I was looking outside, wondering when it would be dark. That is until I looked at the time on the clock just now, and stared at it for a few seconds....then I realized it was actually AM not PM.

Owennoreen 07-03-2007 09:35 AM

I love that show and just the other day I was getting on the computer like sitting in the chair and i like fell and hit my head on one of the sharp corners of the desk and i like pulled the keyboard down with me it really hurt i have this scratch on my neck owwww i feel like a loser :(!

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