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emperor26 06-30-2007 01:06 PM

Comic Book Event (s) That You Like or Dislike

House of M-It was very similar to the Age of Apocalypse, with the exception that this alternate universe was ruled by Magneto, where mutants won the war against humanity. Also, I like some of the changes not just within the X-Men, but also with other well-known characters, including Spider-Man, Captain America and the Incredible Hulk. The plot is intriging and the ending is a complete shocker.

Marvel 1602-When I first learned about this, I was very skeptical about how the Marvel Universe was going to be portrayed. But after giving it a chance and reading it, I actually like its takes the different characters, each of them with different origins and also different abilities. It was very original, and the sequence got me hook up to the plot.

The Death of Superman-The first one I read when I was very young. Even today, it can still be shocking to many who have read it, as each story build up much tensions that ultimately lead to the seemingly death of the Man of Steel.

Wolverine: Origins-This one got me wondering whether this would bring in or turn off fans who have know the amnesiac Logan for quite some time. At the least, however, it did finally reveal who Wolverine was, how he obtain his powers and the reason that he is today. To me, I was quite satisfied


House of M-Coincidentally, this also happens to be one I dislike, mainly the reason is due to the fate of almost the entire mutant population (I rather not spoil for those who haven't read about House of M).

Civil War-There were some part that I was really uncomfortable with, mainly tha Iron Man is more like a villain than a hero he was previously portrayed as, and also Spider-Man's decision to reveal himself to the entire world. But it was the fate of Captain America that shock me the most.

Medikor 07-03-2007 03:33 PM

I love comic books but I could never keep up because I only ever got hand-me-downs and oldies from garage sales. But two events that I love, but never experienced via the comics, are Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage and Marvel Super heroes: War of the Gems.
I experienced those two events through the two wonderful SNES games by the same names. I hear that they actually weren't very good, but they just felt epic and grand.

koosie 07-04-2007 03:44 AM

I don't like the bit in Alan Moore's V For Vendetta where

Spoiler Below
V tortures Evey, pretending to be the fascists he's fighting to overthrow. I get the point he's trying to make and that V's too messed up to be a conventional hero but this whole chapter anticipates the current 'torture-porn' fashion which I find an unpleasant indulgence. Alan Moore has written some of the best comics ever but this one is rather confused and overrated.

GrimTheLost 07-04-2007 07:08 AM

House of M, just interesting look at what what happened to the mutants. It made me sad.

Civil War, it actually made me feel bad for poor old Cap. And it cemented my dislike for Iron Man.

And I know that some will hate me for this, but I loved the Clone Saga from Amazing Spider-Man.

Dislike: Civil War, I was a little miffed at the fact that they killed Cap. It hurt.

Medikor 07-04-2007 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by GrimTheLost (Post 49462)
House of M, just interesting look at what what happened to the mutants. It made me sad.

Civil War, it actually made me feel bad for poor old Cap. And it cemented my dislike for Iron Man.

And I know that some will hate me for this, but I loved the Clone Saga from Amazing Spider-Man.

Dislike: Civil War, I was a little miffed at the fact that they killed Cap. It hurt.

I never actually read the clone saga, but I love the Scarlet Spider! He has my absolute favorite Spidey costume ever!:D And I plan to get the graphic novel of civil war some day.

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