Lynnie |
09-21-2008 07:09 PM |
I don't have nightmares very often (thankfully), but I actually had one last night. As there are many horror fans here, maybe some will enjoy this. :slybendy:
I dreamed I had just finished taking a shower and was combing my hair out in front of the bathroom mirror when I noticed an ulcer on my scalp. It didn't hurt, but it was maybe 3" by 3" big and I thought "What the... Where did that come from? I don't remember feeling that while washing my hair!" I took a closer look and noticed that my skin was coming loose from my skull and the ulcer was getting bigger. I then looked at my comb and saw the big chunk of skin that had apparently been pulled off my scalp while combing my hair. And now that the hole had been started, it just kept growing as the skin around its edges continued to come loose and fall off. Soon my whole scalp was skinless (and hairless of course), and from there it started spreading to my face. I had some type of flesh eating bacteria or something and was going to die of infection in a matter of days! And the face looking back at me from the mirror soon was definitely horror movie worthy- very bloody and such. I screeeeeeeeamed!!! And what made it worse is it was another of those dreams that felt so dang real. :o
I was totally and completely creeped out when I woke up, and I was afraid to wash my face this morning. I was almost afraid to even look at myself in the mirror, because the sight of myself in the dream was still very fresh in my memory. I felt freaked out for most of the morning, even when not thinking about the dream. When I got home from work this evening, I took a shower and after I got out the creepy feeling returned as I looked carefully at my scalp. Whew... nothing was wrong. But OH MY WORD, that was the creepiest and scariest dream I've had in years.