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Fosters4ever 06-18-2007 01:26 AM

Weird thing...
When i enter friend codes dey say they are invalid i have tried it with quite a lot, do they have to be online or something????

andiwillbehere 06-18-2007 12:27 PM

i dont think so becuase i used the best friend codes from the topic people posted codes in and i dont think they were online and it worked.

Vicks 06-18-2007 02:10 PM

andiwillbehere is correct, they do NOT have to be online in order for them to work. I entered my code into one of my daughters' account and it gave me that same error. I think I put o instead of 0. Make sure that you type it in correctly. They should all work, if they were posted correctly. :bloogrin:

B0BSM1TH 06-23-2007 07:18 AM

So... when you get your best friend, what do you do with them? I've had one in, and it's not doing anything. Arrrrgh. :'(:terrconf:

Is there something I'm missing here? I'm trying to get new things...

LINKE 06-23-2007 08:28 AM

Best friends arent supose to do anything its just how your friends imaginary friend looks like its just like eduardo or bloo or any othere friends. Its just a computer controled character...

DatzRyoma 06-23-2007 03:22 PM

what person do i go to after Mac

Sparky 06-23-2007 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by DatzRyoma (Post 48135)
what person do i go to after Mac

What is this in regards to? If it has nothing to do with the subject at hand (friend codes not working) then it does NOT belong here, and should probably have been posted in the Ask A Question thread.

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