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Favourite friend moment
So, I've been thinking for a while and was wondering: What's the moment you love the most for each friend? For example, my favourite Coco moment is in House of Bloos when she lays Bloo the egg which has a picture of Mac in it. Sure, she's done a lot of crazy and funny stuff over the years, but I still like that moment the best.
I still can't decide on my favourites for the rest of the cast, it's really hard. So, I'd like to hear about YOUR favourite moment for a friend. I'm sure it's good! |
But as for my favorite IF moment I really can't pick one...there are too many of them to count. :P But I GUESS...that if I HAD to pick one that it would be when Ed got over his fears in the episode "Eddie Monster" and ended up braving all of those dangers to help his friends in the end. I just thought that was pretty cool. However, I'm sure there are others that would qualify for good moments as well. ;) |
My favourite Coco moment is easily when she falls hopelessly in love with the lamp in "Partying is such a sweet soiree", particularly when she lays the egg containing all those little hearts. And the "purring" noise she makes whilst embracing her new suiter...classic Coco. ;)
And with Bloo, I guess it's a toss-up between his Friday's Friend "acting gig" in "the Sweet Stench of Success" and his Chuck-bonding montage in "Bloo's the Boss". :bloosmirk: As for everyone else...hmm, I need to give it more thought. There's currently a whole barrage of potential candidates for my favourite Wilt moment. :D |
Well, she may not be an Imaginary Friend, but my favorite moment from the show has got to be when Frankie won the election in Setting A President. I jumped out of my chair with my arms in the air and yelled "YES!!!". That was a sweet moment. Vindication at last! :frankiesmile:
Well, of course, my favourite Bloo moments were in Squeeze The Day. :bloogrin: I also liked the acting thing in The Sweet Stench Of Sucess. 8D
I have many favourite Coco moments, but one of them was in My So Called Wife when Mr. Herriman was teaching her to say more stuff than just "Coco" and when she was playing the insturment on the diving board and in the jail cell. ;) |
My favorite Bloo moment is not neccessarily a touching moment, but I really loved the line "You, sir, hath been PWNED!" in Make Believe it or Not!
My favorite Ed moment is whenever he comes back from the dentist in Cheese A Go-Go and he tells Frankie "You es IT, girl... Oh babe, you smell like pineapples!" My favorite Coco moment is seeing her take care of her nerds in Good Wilt Hunting. I know they didn't create her, but it was so sweet the way she acted kind of motherly towards them. My ultimate favorite Wilt moment(s) are definetely the hug and the one-on-one basketball game between Wilt and Jordan at the end of Good Wilt Hunting... it's so sweet. My favorite funny moment is in One False Movie where he says "Tell my son... *looks wide-eyed and directly at the camera* I love him!" My favorite Frankie moment (following Cassini's trend here) is whenever she tells Coco she makes the scale read five pounds heavier to make her feel better. That was so sweet of her! |
Yeah, it's fine for non-imaginary favourite moments here, too. It's what I meant, but didn't realise that I was being so restrictive in my wording.
My favourite Cheese moment: in Infernal Slumber. "Quiet, ducky!" Closely followed by one of his lines from my LEAST favourite Cheese appearence: The Big Cheese. "Doooooo iiiit!". I constantly use that to convice people to do stuff. |
After a little more thought, I think my favourite Wilt moment was probably his surprise victory in the race in "Room with a Feud" - seeing him stretched out on the bed in utter ease with that grin upon his face...there's a whole bunch of more serious moments I could have gone for from "Good Wilt Hunting", and I am partial to his moonwalk across the bowling alley in "the Big LaBlooski", but nothing quite tops that within my heart. :D
I've had an equally hard time singling out my favourite Duchess moment...it's tough, because pretty much everything she says makes me laugh. But if I had to choose, I'd go with her sombre observation that "Beauty is fading," after the effects of her make-over upon Ed were completely reversed in "the Big Picture." >:( |
For Wilt, my favorite friend moment is when Wilt is reunited with his creator, Jordan Michaels, from "Good Wilt Hunting".
For Eduardo, my favorite friend moment is when he faced his fears to rescue his friends from "Eddie Monster". For Bloo, my favorite friend moment is possibly when he actually apologizes to Coco about his behavior about collecting those Coco cards from "Cockoo for Coco Cards" That's all that I got. I might put some more friend moments during the summer. |
My favourite IF moment is, and always will be, Wilt's 'lean, mean muscle machine' thing in 'Room With a Feud'. I ADORE the expressions on his face!
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