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Cassini90125 05-10-2007 09:31 AM

Frankie Foster's closet
The purpose of this thread is very simple; it's for pictures of Frankie, and only Frankie (hence the title), wearing outfits that we don't see on the show. While I imagine that the thread will contain mostly shots of my Frankie Sim, which is the reason I created it, everyone else is by all means enouraged to contribute their own original works of art (nothing naughty or of questionable taste, please). Just use the above as guidelines, and let your imagination do the rest. :frankiesmile:

We begin with a familiar shirt:

It's Monday morning, the first day of Autumn in Foster's Valley, and it's too hot to be cooking breakfast while wearing a green sweater, so away it went. Omelets are on the menu today. Here's another view, as breakfast is served:

Eyes back in your heads, boys. An extra special thank-you to Sparky, who created the shirt. Great work! :)

One of the early pics of Frankie on the official Production Blog showed her in a denim outfit of some sort, while another showed her with blonde hair. I got it into my head to combine them, and this was the result:

It almost doesn't look like Frankie. I think it looks pretty good, although the hair takes some getting used to.

One of my favorite outfits in the entire game:

The reason it's one of my favorites is because it's the outfit worn by Sarah Sussman, the very first Sim that I ever created. Her story is in the Sims thread on the old Forum, where it was the subject of my 1000th post. She's still one of my favorites and always will be. :)

Another denim outfit:

Perfect for a trip downtown, I think, which is where she was heading. I think she's smiling because she's happy to get out of the house for awhile. The IF's are in school, Madam Foster and Mr. Herriman are right behind her, and Woof is already in the cab. They're off to the Commandgo Emporium for lunch, a little relaxation, and to pick up one more outfit:

Who says redheads can't wear purple? I think it looks fantastic! @_@

Comments are appreciated, as always. More to come; stay tuned. :frankiesmile:

pitbulllady 05-10-2007 10:37 AM

I'm a redhead and *I* wear purple, and it's one of my "best" colors. I think those Sims look great and really DO like just like I'd imagine Frankie to look in "real life", by the way.


koosie 05-10-2007 02:32 PM

Cool! That 2nd denim one especially is really good, it really goes with Frankie's DIY-punk thing. Everyone looks cool in denim.

Bloo2daMacs 05-10-2007 04:55 PM

Wow! Those are great Cassini! I imagine that if Frankie were out here, in our real world, she would look exactly like her forms in those shots.

Carlaz 05-10-2007 08:42 PM

:frankiesmile: Fabulous work Cassini! I really like the purple outfit & the denim one.

One Radical Dude 05-10-2007 09:38 PM

Not bad, Cassini. The purple looks great on her. :bloogrin:

Medikor 05-12-2007 10:43 AM

I'm glad to see that you're still doing these, Cassini. I particularly like the first two with the PPG shirt that we're all familiar with.:D

Cassini90125 05-14-2007 06:24 PM

Thanks, everyone. :frankiesmile:

Take a look at this:

It's the same outfit, in six different colors. Which one do y'all think looks best on her? I'm partial to #4, but not by much; in truth, I think they all look pretty good on her. You guys pick a color, I'll include a larger shot of the winner in a future post here. (If there's a tie, I'll flip a coin or something.) :frankiesmile:

Mr. Marshmallow 05-14-2007 07:08 PM

I personally think the 4th one (pink) is also a good dress for Frankie, I also really like the 6th and last one, the blue one. I think that has a more of a casual/fancy look to it but that's just me personally.

As I said before I love purple so Frankie will look good in any form of it considering how hot she is in her already purple skirt. I personally dislike the blue jean "town outfit", it seems wrong for someone like Frankie and just doesn't fit her age or personality if you ask me.

I love the blue sweater and pink pants though, very cute and very "sweet" looking.

Cutelilteen 05-14-2007 07:14 PM

I'm a red head and I almost always wear purple.8D

All your Frankies look great! Personally though, I like number 4 and number 6 the best. :)

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