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Mr. Marshmallow 04-03-2007 09:50 PM

Transformers the movie (LIVE)
I know there is a Transformers thread, but I really wanted to talk about JUST the live action Transformers movie that is coming out this summer. Basically, I just would like to know your guys thoughts on it.

Are you excited about it? dreading it? hating it? Because I know alot of people loathed hearing this movie was going to be made by Michael Bay, and talked of how god awful it was going to be. Even I was a bit skeptical about this.

But like I ALWAYS say, after the trailers and photos start to pour out, people's minds changed and I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie. Anyone else?

emperor26 04-04-2007 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 39287)
I know there is a Transformers thread, but I really wanted to talk about JUST the live action Transformers movie that is coming out this summer. Basically, I just would like to know your guys thoughts on it.

Are you excited about it? dreading it? hating it? Because I know alot of people loathed hearing this movie was going to be made by Michael Bay, and talked of how god awful it was going to be. Even I was a bit skeptical about this.

But like I ALWAYS say, after the trailers and photos start to pour out, people's minds changed and I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie. Anyone else?

I'm looking forward to this movie when it comes out as well.

Hopefully, it doesn't bombed when it premieres.

Medikor 04-04-2007 07:48 AM

Boy am I glad to see this topic, Mr.M!:D I am hyped to see this movie. I've been following its progress since the early days on the official board and a couple of (better) fan boards. If anyone go'es to those my name is Dinobot-Sledge.
I knew that there would be changes made (what possesed them to give Prime hotrod flames?) but now that the voice actors are being revealed, things are looking up. Peter Cullen, the original Optimus Prime, is recurring his role, Hugo Weaving (LOTR Elrond) has been cast as Megatron, Kieth David (Spawn, Goliath) has been cast as Barracade and Frank Welker, the original Megatron, is apparently going to voice one of the decepticons. (my money's on Frenzy):D
I think this film will turn out okay. I dislike Bay but hopefully, Speilburg will keep him in line.

Mr. Marshmallow 04-04-2007 02:52 PM

I actually enjoy Bay's work, well most of it. I loved Armageddon and I think The Island was a fantastic movie that very few people appreciated. I personally think the latest pictures and clips look absolutely bad ass.

I'm no die hard Transformers fan but even if I was, I find it hard to believe anyone would doubt the downright sweet looking action scenes of the robots duking it out. I'm also VERY happy that Peter Cullen is voicing Optimus Prime.

I'm kinda pissed/confused why frank Welker is on the cast list and not playing Megatron, but Hugo Weaving is a phenominal actor and I know that an actor of his fine quality can certainly pull off a good Megatron voice.

Here's hoping the sequels include more bots, and more blockbuster goodes for us summer movie freaks! :D

AerostarMonk 04-04-2007 03:07 PM

Step on over to Ain't It Cool sometime. They tear into Bay and Murphy like sharks cruising through a school of sardines.

Medikor 04-04-2007 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by AerostarMonk (Post 39371)
Step on over to Ain't It Cool sometime. They tear into Bay and Murphy like sharks cruising through a school of sardines.

I've been there a few times. I really don't care for the vulgarity of the site. But it has certainly been the first place to reveal news and images.

AerostarMonk 04-04-2007 03:20 PM

The vulgarity is the reason I never post. But the talkbacks are often good for a laugh. Sometimes the posters act like they were raised by Optimus Prime.

I think the movie looks like it's going to be great fun. However I hear the script isn't all it should be. I've also heard that the humans are the focus and the Transformers are nothing much more than plot devices.

Oh, well, we shall see July 4th. I think I'll make a double feature of this and Live Free or Die Hard.

Mr. Marshmallow 04-05-2007 02:06 PM

I'm definitely going to see this, then "Live free die hard". Only thing that bothers me is I know that there are going to be alot of overly anal Transformers fan who will piss and moan about this movie regardless if they even see it.

Purist fans always tend to hate anything that isn't exactly 100% done accurately to a TV show, comic book or whatever. Either way, I'm giving Transformers the benefit of the doubt and criticize AFTER I see the movie.

Never the less, I don't think I'm going to walk away from this movie disappointed.

emperor26 04-05-2007 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 39498)
I'm definitely going to see this, then "Live free die hard". Only thing that bothers me is I know that there are going to be alot of overly anal Transformers fan who will piss and moan about this movie regardless if they even see it.

Purist fans always tend to hate anything that isn't exactly 100% done accurately to a TV show, comic book or whatever. Either way, I'm giving Transformers the benefit of the doubt and criticize AFTER I see the movie.

Never the less, I don't think I'm going to walk away from this movie disappointed.

I agree with you on this, Mr. Marshmallow.

Hardcore fans can sure be a pain in the neck when it comes to something they have worship for a long time, and as you state, they would always hate anything that isn't like what they originally perceived.

I find this very amusing, since their "criticism" (otherwise known as whinings) actually help something they hate to do well (ie "The Batman" has lasted for four season (with a season five to air this year) in spite of the hardcore fans "criticism")

Also, I'm glad you're doing the right thing, 'cause it is best to actually watch (or play) something before making criticism.

AerostarMonk 04-05-2007 03:38 PM

I'm surprised it got that fifth season. WB cooks any show that goes past 65 eps.

Yeah, but the purist fans are steaming mad over the designs of the robots. They moan that the original designs are iconic and these new ones look like walking junkpiles. What's worse is that many bring up spoliers in the script to prove to people interested in the movie that it's horrible.

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