Mr. Marshmallow |
03-17-2007 09:30 PM |
The idea behind it is basically God (Morgan freeman returns thankfully) pops up and tells Evan that he is to build a modern day ark. Evan is like Frankie Fan said a congress man and doesn't really want to build a big ass boat full of animals.
So god gives him a little "push" by making the animals enter his life rather forcefully, and giving him a full blown Noah style beard. Think Tim Allen's Santa transformation in "The Santa Clause". Not sure when it will be out though.
To be honest, I don't have high hopes for this movie. Carrell's on screen magic is undeniable, but the fact this movie is a PG film says to me alot of his gags will be toned down and half the crazy, hilarious stuff in the first "Almighty" movie will probably be left out.
I can't see Carrell as a family movie guy, I just don't see his brand of humor working for the kids. Or maybe I just don't want to see him becoming a family film guy. If nothing big is coming out it's opening weekend, I'll probably give "Evan Almighty" a look.
In the meantime though, I'm more hyped up for films like "Transformers" "Grind house" and "TMNT".