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Frankie Fan 03-04-2007 10:52 AM

your system for doing favors
I was wondering if anyone uses a system for doing favors for people or do you randomize it? I always go: Frankie first, then Mac, then Wilt, then Ed.

One Radical Dude 03-04-2007 10:58 AM

I usually switch around, like do Mac the first day, then Frankie, then Wilt, and Eduardo. Something like that, anyway, though not necessarily in that order.

Sparky 03-04-2007 04:20 PM

I know someone made a thread like this, probably back on the old board. It was a long time ago. :terrsmile: My "system" is to try to go to everyone an equal number of times. You know, so they don't feel bad. Lol. I know, I'm stupid.

Carlaz 03-04-2007 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 35744)
I know someone made a thread like this, probably back on the old board. It was a long time ago. :terrsmile: My "system" is to try to go to everyone an equal number of times. You know, so they don't feel bad. Lol. I know, I'm stupid.

I'm the same way! I want to make sure I don't 'offend' anyone by not doing a favor for them.

I make sure I do my "Daily Duties" before playing any games in the game room. I don't want to 'disappoint' Mr. H! :herriman:

I'm pathetic! 8D

Sparky 03-04-2007 09:09 PM

Lol, I know, me too. Blinky is such a major boy scout. ;D

Vicks 03-05-2007 12:21 AM

Wow. LOL You guys seriously crack me up. 8D

I go to whoever is closest to me when I start the game, or end my chores. It killed me when all the friends moved upstairs, that meant no one was in the Dining Room or the Clock Room. LOL

Since I "messed up" on doing chores before asking a friend to help, I have to do a favor first, then go play a game, then do my chores, otherwise I won't get my bar filled as much (this is when I'm close to doing an Adventure). Always, always, always make sure you have a slot open to do a favor before finishing your chores. 8D

Carlaz 03-05-2007 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Vicks (Post 35777)
Since I "messed up" on doing chores before asking a friend to help, I have to do a favor first, then go play a game, then do my chores, otherwise I won't get my bar filled as much (this is when I'm close to doing an Adventure). Always, always, always make sure you have a slot open to do a favor before finishing your chores. 8D

I always leave one open slot. I choose my least favorite duty & have one of my friends do the favor for me. :)

Stjimmy666 03-05-2007 11:48 AM

I fist look at my chore list and i find a chore i dont wanna do (ussaly a searching one or one that realy or of thr way) then I do my chorse and if a friend is on that floor i use them. Of corse right now im not sure where anyone is becuase they swtched back to the first spots they where. :terrence:

BunnieLebowski 03-05-2007 01:46 PM

I know this is silly but I only do favors for Wilt. I just figured since he is always doing things for everyone all the time and he can't say no, it's time for someone to always do stuff for him.

Stjimmy666 03-05-2007 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by BunnieLebowski (Post 35831)
I know this is silly but I only do favors for Wilt. I just figured since he is always doing things for everyone all the time and he can't say no, it's time for someone to always do stuff for him.

wow your so nice. I never even thought of that. Does anyone else wish chese gave favors, i mean think of the things he could give us.


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