Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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Cell_Phone_guy 02-19-2007 07:57 PM

Something to ponder about my childhood...
I've got an interesting question to say the least. But first some background. All my life, I've been a railfan and subway fan. While some other people may have had imaginary friends, I had imaginary subway trains. Though I don't have them anymore. If they went to Foster's, I wonder how Frankie, Herriman, Madame Foster, or the other IF's would act upon the arrival of the imaginary subway trains and their stay. :frankiesmile: :herriman: :mfoster: :D :-/ ;) ???

scary_dream 02-24-2007 11:53 PM

Hah... it depends. If they were humanized subway trains that talked and such, I suppose they'd be taken in like any other IF (but it'd be a heck of a job situating them!), but if they weren't humanized and just came plowing through the yard then it'd probably be "RUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!" 8D

Cell_Phone_guy 02-26-2007 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by scary_dream (Post 34978)
Hah... it depends. If they were humanized subway trains that talked and such, I suppose they'd be taken in like any other IF (but it'd be a heck of a job situating them!), but if they weren't humanized and just came plowing through the yard then it'd probably be "RUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!" 8D

My imaginary subway trains weren't humanized, but then again, if they accepted Duchess, theoretically, the people at Foster's would have to accept the imaginary subway trains.

That could make for an interesting episode. A child who loves subway trains, (doesn't have to be from Toronto like me, New York, Chicago, Philidelphia, or Boston would do.) And the child drops off his imaginary subway train. One can only imagine what would happen, especially if Bloo got involved! :bloosmirk:

Partymember 02-26-2007 04:13 PM

like a colorful, mystical train that flies through the air to the Land Beyond..? Groovy...

KazooBloo 12-23-2016 10:54 PM

Interesting idea..

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