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frankie_fan 02-04-2007 06:36 PM

Favourite TV Theme Songs
I'm sure there are people who enjoy listening to those theme songs for those great TV shows of yesteryear and today! What are your favourites?

Mine are too many to mention, so I'll list my top 5

5. Married... with Children (even though I don't watch it)
4. Monk (Randy Newman's 'It's A Jungle Out There')
3. Curb Your Enthusiasm
2. Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (you saw that coming, didn't you?)
1. Whose Line is it Anyway? (UK)

fosters home fan 02-04-2007 07:36 PM

Fosters and Invader ZIM! They're might be others but I'll have to think a bit;)

Crash-N-Cortex 02-04-2007 07:40 PM

Here's my favorite TV theme songs:
1. Ben 10
2. Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
3. Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

(That's all for now)

rukift 02-04-2007 07:51 PM

My top four:

1. Both of the Monk theme songs... I liked the original best, but I can still respect "It's a Jungle Out There."
2. The American Dad! theme song. It's just so peppy, happy, and... come on. It's impossible to not love.
3. FOSTER'SSSs... I wrote a piano arrangement of it... wow I'm a dork.
4. The original digimon theme songs are amazing, but not the dub's... ok I know I'm sounding like an elitist anime prick, but don't judge me if you've only seen the dub. The repetitive "change into digital champions!!" thing that they insist on playing seven times an episode makes my ears bleed, too.

Bride_Of_Lister 02-04-2007 10:03 PM

Inspector Gadget! When I was younger me and my Dad could do a rather good impression.

Cassini90125 02-04-2007 10:18 PM

In no particular order:

Sailor Moon
Doctor Who (7th Doctor)
The Dead Zone
Law & Order: Trial By Jury
Kim Possible

That's about it.

HappyFoppy 02-04-2007 10:32 PM


Ben 10
Full Metal Alchemist (altough I'm not familiar with the show)

...Zomg, it's all I can think of? Lame.

Edit: Shouldn't this be in Spam? It's pretty much of a 'list' topic.

derangedperson 02-05-2007 03:40 AM

The short list:

The Simpsons
The A-Team
The Twilight Zone (old-school)

Nathander 02-05-2007 05:58 AM

Red Dwarf
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

Howard 02-05-2007 08:19 AM

Theme from Hawaii Five O

Theme from Bonanza

Theme from Star Trek (The Original Series)


Theme from Baretta

Theme from Barney Miller (I like the bass line)


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