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The bloo 01-17-2007 05:16 PM

Episode Discussion- Store wars
Hmm this is the funniest episode ive seen.One thing is that people kept saying bloo kicked them in the shin.Coco got like three jobs at the mall and when she was security she called the police on frankie,and it was also funny when bloo had those 2 store clerks to rub that cactus against his back.Then bloo payed for the cushion with some pennies.Then when bloo was rocking madame foster and frankie bought that chair that made her fall asleep in it.So im just going to give this episode a 9/10

billytheskink 01-19-2007 04:36 PM

Still the best.

moonpony 04-02-2007 12:01 PM

The dancing cacti were great! I forgot about those kitschy little things that were big in the early '90s. I also loved Wilt getting trapped holding the door open for everyone. That's happened to me and I'm not nearly as kind as Wilt!!!

Added bonus: Frankie getting a well-deserved rest in the massage chair. Too bad she couldn't take it home with her!

Voxxyn 04-02-2007 01:31 PM

This was just superb. Few shows are blessed with a debut episode(with "House of Bloo's" as the pilot) as exceptional as this one, and I congratulate the crew for how they got Foster's off to such a great start. This remains one of Frankie's biggest roles in the show, and it was a role that helped establish her enormous likability as a character, so obviously I'm very partial to this episode. :frankiesmile:

My favorite gag is probably when they pass through the "Victoria's Inhibitions" display; with Mac being googly-eyed, Eduardo shielding himself and Frankie's resentful glare. 8D

CG 04-02-2007 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Voxxyn (Post 39075)
My favorite gag is probably when they pass through the "Victoria's Inhibitions" display; with Mac being googly-eyed, Eduardo shielding himself and Frankie's resentful glare. 8D

That's one of my favourite moments of this episode also. Mac, still very young in the ways of the ladies still going ga-ga over ladies undergarments was insanely cute and in character for him. Heavens no he wouldn't fall in love with one, but such nice underthings! And Eduardo, of course, adorable. Underwear, especially a ladies, is not for his eyes! Such a big kid. I kind of do what Frankie does, not only at underwear store models but mannequins in general. Always such skinny things, whilst the REAL women who shop at the stores aren't even close to being that skinny. Or finding that underwear in your size either, which is even more aggravating.

k0ugs 04-02-2007 04:51 PM

the cacti part is great, its what got me hooked on the show.. and im almost 23!

Mr. Marshmallow 04-02-2007 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by k0ugs (Post 39095)
the cacti part is great, its what got me hooked on the show.. and im almost 23!

The cactus scene was actually one of the funniest moments in Foster's ever. I just loved seeing Bloo's face and him making that weird sound. There's something just down right funny seeing a blue blob make weird sounds while an army of store clerks hold a bunch of dancing cacti onto your back.

"Store wars" is to me, a much better episode then even the first one. The idea was simple and yet it worked so well with all the characters, Wilt included. Frankie had a great role here and Bloo's chair hunt was a stroke of genius, it was probably one of the least asshole-ish things he's done that is actually funny.

Most time Bloo comes off as REALLY mean, but this time it worked well. The jokes were funny, I especially like when Frankie talked to Coco at the info. booth when she said:

"This place has dental?"


"AND chiropractic? Hmmm....uh never mind"

It was just a funny moment that I really enjoyed. Not to mention the whole "rip off artist" thing, it didn't even make sense to half the people Bloo said it too and it still was funny.

jekylljuice 04-03-2007 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by moonpony (Post 39056)
[font="Book Antiqua"][size="3"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]The dancing cacti were great! I forgot about those kitschy little things that were big in the early '90s.

I regret their populairty ever waning. I've still got my dancing Coca Cola Can of that ilk (though it actually reads "Coke" instead of CC...could it be that you were intended as a tie-in with the failed New Coke revolution, my animatronic friend?) and it remains amongst my most valued of possessions. The more kitschiness we have in this world, the better.

Store Wars was actually the second episode of Foster's I ever saw (the first being Adoptcalypse Now), and as I recall I was still having a fairly hard time adjusting to the fact that these so-called imaginary friends were as real and as visible as anything else within the show (I entered the Foster's realm as a Ben E Factor - I'm so ashamed :sadbendy: ). When the receptionist informed the exasperated Frankie that she knew of a "place" she could go to if she was looking for lost imaginary friends, I was half-expecting that particular gag to go off a completely different direction to "We're not very good at our job, are we?" :P

It's a great episode, one which went some way in cementing my love of the show, and I always enjoy watching it on re-runs. My favourite moment has to be Coco speaking on the intercom. ;)

Bloonan 04-03-2007 05:22 AM

Yes, this episode was... fantasic! That cactus scene was hilarious! And that silly lil' sound coming out of Bloo? Funniest thing I've seen him do! 8D

HappyFoppy 04-04-2007 02:29 AM

It's awesome how this episode started with a very basic plot, just Madame Foster's birthday...but eventually it builds up to one of the awesomest (is that a word?) episodes of the whole smash of Foster's eps. Stuff like the dancing cacti is already a well-known joke for a lot of people, also.

Overall rating: 90%, a very good episode overall appearantly. ;)

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