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Howard 12-06-2006 01:26 AM

Duck Is a Year Older!
Advantage of being a December baby - twice the presents in one month!:frankiesmile:

Jabberwocky 12-06-2006 02:30 AM

That, or you get cheated. "Hey, here's your birthday/christmas present! It's awesome enough to count for both, right??"

Happy birthday! ;)

lucyrocks73 12-06-2006 02:51 AM

Ha, happy birthday!!!

I know what you mean... In my family, we get presents for every holiday (like Flag Day and President's Day. It's odd... it's usually just little things, though, like cheap earrings or a paperback that was on sale at the grocery store). My birthday just happens to be July 3rd, so I get crap for the Fourth of July.

Not that I care, 'cause I don't. At least it isn't Christmas!!!

Well, happy birthday anyway!!!

-Marty :goo:

Cassini90125 12-06-2006 05:33 AM

Happy birthday, dude, and many more! Party hearty! :frankiesmile:

Thornwhistle 12-06-2006 05:44 AM

HAPPY BIRTHDAY duck2k!! Are you going to do something on your special day?

Howard 12-06-2006 07:08 AM

Thanks folks!

I will have my mother, her husband, grandma, and of course my Fiancee, get together and have a dinner (I am grilling steaks), and by tradition - we will decorate my house for the Holidays.:frankiesmile:

waynekaa 12-06-2006 07:21 AM

Wow steak! Sounds yummy! Happy Birthday!

Nathander 12-06-2006 07:54 AM

Have a happy birthday duck!

taranchula 12-06-2006 10:07 AM

Happy B-Day, D2K! :D

One Radical Dude 12-06-2006 11:28 AM

Enjoy your (your age here) Birthday, d2k! :cheesegrin:

BabyElephant 12-06-2006 11:35 AM

Have a great birthday. I'll have a piece of cake in your honor...that's just the kind of great guy I am. :D

Imaginary Light 12-06-2006 11:47 AM

Happy birthday! Hope you enjoy it^_^

Sparky 12-06-2006 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Jabberwocky (Post 20839)
That, or you get cheated. "Hey, here's your birthday/christmas present! It's awesome enough to count for both, right??"

I get that sometimes too, even though there's a full month between my birthday and Christmas. (Although I can sometimes fanagle extra-cool presents for myself by telling people to combine the two presents into one good one. Mwaha.) Actually I was born exactly one month prematurely, I was expected on Christmas Day. ;)

Happy birthday duck!!

Partymember 12-06-2006 01:33 PM

rock on chief!!!

BlooCheese 12-06-2006 02:35 PM

Happy birthday, duck2k!

Carlaz 12-06-2006 04:08 PM

Best wishes! Hope it's your best birthday ever! :bloogrin

Chaos Wielder 12-06-2006 06:21 PM

Happy birthday, duck2K! Sounds like you had a lot of fun. It's nice to have gettogethers (birthdays and holidays are usually the only time my family ever gets together! XD)

Howard 12-06-2006 08:45 PM

I want to thank everyone for their Birthday wishes. I had a wonderful time and we had a good dinner and decorated the house. Now it is Christmas at the Duckman's house!:frankiesmile:

kageri 12-06-2006 10:12 PM

Happy belated but not too much birthday! Glad you had a good one!

koosie 12-07-2006 04:12 AM

Sorry I'm late!

32 Quacks for duck2K!

Voxxyn 12-07-2006 04:33 AM

I hope you had a good time! :frankiesmile: :cheesegrin:

Howard 12-07-2006 07:55 AM

Thanks for the additional Birthday wishes! Everything went well!:frankiesmile:

Medikor 12-10-2006 05:35 AM

Happy birthday, Ducky!

InsaneFan 12-10-2006 10:24 AM

ACK! Sorry I'm so late to happy birthday wishing! I always forget to check here for people's birthdays. D=

*insert a belated happy birthday wish from InsaneFan here*

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