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lucyrocks73 08-17-2006 04:37 AM

Dude13's Awesome Series
Is anyone reading Dude13's series on You have to read "More than My Friend" first, or else you will be utterly confused.

Actually, we co-wrote "Wishing Only Wounds the Heart" together, but my chapters suck and his rock (Terrence lovers beware for the last few chapters, because although it has a happy ending, Terrence... well, I won't spoil it, and we wouldn't have put it in, but it fit...)

Hey, I'm not a Terrence basher. He cracks me up.

If anyone needs the link, PM me...

Comments, anyone?

-Marty 8-)

Bloofanatic 08-17-2006 04:41 AM

I'm reading them They're awesome I can't wait for the new chapter I really like the idea of the series (I'm not spoiling it for anyone you'll have to read them)

Cassini90125 08-17-2006 06:02 AM

I don't read fan fiction, but thanks anyway.

Sparky 08-17-2006 07:27 PM

I also, for people who don't know, *very* rarely read fanfiction. It's nothing personal, to anyone, really.

ch3353-h4xx0rrrr 08-19-2006 03:02 PM

I LOVE Dude13's stuff, and I too rarely read fanfictions. But it was really the only one I saw that had proper grammar, no OCs, and looked interesting.

Of course, I'm really not liking what he's doing with Mac's character. It seems like Mac's become some dependant, whiny, two-year-old who needs his mom around 24/7. But that's just my opinion.

lucyrocks73 08-20-2006 04:43 AM

Well, I'll see if I can talk to him about that and see if we can have that fixed. In the sort-of sequel I'm writing, I'm taking a different POV of both Mac and Goo's characters.

We'll see how that works out.

OCs... I HATE OCs. We have one, but he's gone now (it was Connor, and thank goodness we're finally done with HIM. I hated writing him, because I knew he so totally DID NOT fit in).

Thanks for the comments!!!
-Marty 8-)

Voxxyn 08-24-2006 01:40 PM

Dude13 is great... and no, it's not just because he's one of the few people who enjoyed and reviewed my highly-angsty story(*), because I've been a fan for some months before that.

Aside from the main stories, I absolutely love "Dating Woes". People can complain about the extreme fluffyness in that story all they want--but my heart warmed at seeing Frankie suddenly go from a scorned, bitter, snideful ex-girlfriend furious at everything to an affectionate, compassionate, motherly big sister who unconditionally loves her little brother.

THOUGH, I will admit, some of the one-shots can become over-the-top even by Foster's standards. I'm glad to hear that you and he will be taking a different approach to how he portrays Mac.

(* ~ Marty, I really hope you can forgive me for my OOC digressions on my story. I PROMISE all of my future fanfics will be more in-character and true to the show's spirit.)


EDIT: I just read the last few chapters for WOWTH, and... all I have to say is, THERE BETTER ACTUALLY BE A HAPPY ENDING, or I'll be depressed beyond any form of alleviation. With all due respect, I can't imagine how there can actually be a happy ending after what you two just did to one of the characters...

lucyrocks73 08-24-2006 04:26 PM

It will be a bittersweet ending... but I'm not going to ruin it for you. A lot of people are going to hate me...

Thanks for all of your support!!!

-Marty 8-)

Kzinistzerg 08-25-2006 12:49 PM

Yeah... I have to say though, while the fanfics are good, it still dosn't seem like... well, Foster's. It's like you have the same ideas, you know? Because There's a mighty large difference between animated TV and the stuff you guys write, such a difference in medium that it's really prety much impossible to mesh the two in my head. Not that it's your fault, but having such descriptive stories never fail to evoke the wrong images. Like, I realy can't imagine Mac... what with all the stuff that happens...

So enough of rambling, update soon and you guys are doing really well.

LaBlooGirl 08-26-2006 07:35 PM

Yes, his stuff is very good. I believe he wrote the one where Frankie, Mac, Bloo, and even Goo (I think) were trapped in a laundry chute.
That should have been an episode, if it was funny reading it, it would have been even funnier watching it! XD

Dude13 08-28-2006 07:09 AM

Well, after my good friend lucyrocks73's urging, here I am, finally with an account here on my own.

Thanks to everyone who's giving me their honest opinion on everything so far, and to everyone else, don't be afraid to speak your mind. It can be as critical as you want, I prefer any feedback to be as honest and sicnere as possible.

lucyrocks73 08-28-2006 07:13 AM

Oh, so *I* get blamed?

Just kidding.

I must say, it's interesting to read what people think of our story in a non-formal review setting...

-Marty 8-)

Dude13 08-28-2006 07:31 AM

I personally like it, it's a nice change to hear from others whose opinions we wouldn't nromally get to hear through just the review system.

ch3353-h4xx0rrrr 08-28-2006 04:17 PM

Of course, now when we make a comment it'll be awkward because the author is here. ;D

But I'll just be redundant and direct: I don't like where Mac's character is going, in any of your fics. He seems so clingy to Frankie nowadays. And really Sally Sob-Story-esque. =/

However, I do love the fics.

Kzinistzerg 08-28-2006 04:50 PM

I have to partially agree, the latest development is kindof going overboard...

Dude13 08-28-2006 07:43 PM

To be honest, it?s just a bit of an odd situation to be in whenever I write. On one hand, I?d rather stay as true to the show as I can when I write, meaning I avoid giving the characters complete personality transformations (emo/goth Mac, to use a particularly infamous one in example) and I try and keep their true nature intact. But then again, whenever I create a new piece, I always have the particular plot to consider too, so there will be some changes.

And of course, I?m no professional storyboard writer. I write simply because I enjoy writing, I never work with the exact mindset of creating a work that I can sell of as an actual episode of Foster?s. Whenever I work on a new story, I just look for an idea I can have a good time writing about, and thus of course with this in mind, I?m not exactly going to create something that?s one hundred percent loyal to the show. While I try and avoid tremendous changes in any of the characters? natures, there?s going to be some inevitable differences to be dealt with. That?ll probably explain some of my more outrageous and over-the-top stories ? they were bizarre, undoubtedly, but I had a blast transforming those ideas from mere scribbled notes in a shabby notepad to full-blown fanfics.

That?s basically more or less what I have to work with, it?s a very weird conflict. I try and keep everyone true to the actual cartoon, yet also I have the dream of bringing my particular plot ideas to life and trying to enjoy actually writing them as much as I can. Of course, I can?t have every character in my stories be absolutely perfect and process while turning every fanfic idea into the full-fledged story I hope to create. Inevitably, the two ideals clash, and thus I end up getting some problems in my stories that need to be dealt with. To be short, it?s a very imperfect system I use, and my apologies for the long, rambling explanation.

But nevertheless, at least I can get feedback in case I?m really going overboard anywhere in particular so I can try and fix whatever those issues happen to be. The more honest and sincere that feedback is, the better.

Ack, so I guess I have another kink that needs to be worked out. To be honest, this issue I seem to be having with Mac?s character flew completely under my radar. Yeah, I know that he tends to act more mature and intelligent than many of the older characters in the show, which is one of the major aspects of his character in particular. But then again, he is still just an eight-year-old, and so I thought then that he had the right to act like he was only eight from time to time, meaning he?ll get upset, he needs comfort and reassurance every now and then, etc. But now I?m guessing I went too far with that idea, and I now I must make sure I don?t make a similar error in future stories.

I?ll se what I can do!

lucyrocks73 08-29-2006 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by ch3353-h4xx0rrrr (Post 3089)
Of course, now when we make a comment it'll be awkward because the author is here. ;D

Hey, I've been here a while (although, Dude13 should get all the credit, because in my opinion, he is the better writer out of the two of us)... :D


Originally Posted by Dude13 (Post 3125)

Ack, so I guess I have another kink that needs to be worked out. To be honest, this issue I seem to be having with Mac?s character flew completely under my radar. Yeah, I know that he tends to act more mature and intelligent than many of the older characters in the show, which is one of the major aspects of his character in particular. But then again, he is still just an eight-year-old, and so I thought then that he had the right to act like he was only eight from time to time, meaning he?ll get upset, he needs comfort and reassurance every now and then, etc. But now I?m guessing I went too far with that idea, and I now I must make sure I don?t make a similar error in future stories.

I?ll see what I can do!


Just kidding around. Hey, don't be so hard on yourself... Every writer has something they have to work out. Mine is, as everyone tells me, "telling but not showing".

Mac's character just happens to be yours, and as I keep telling you, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT.

-Marty 8-) (who only keeps pretending to be mad to get everyone's goat, to clarify)

Kzinistzerg 08-29-2006 04:23 PM

I meant the really really recent developments. I think the handling of the characters so far has been fairly realistic so far and well done. And it's nice to see the characters in weird situations.

Dude13 08-29-2006 04:38 PM

Ha, I'll actually be the first to agree with you - the plot of "Wishing Only WOunds the Heart" is extremely over the top, which is exactly why lucyrock73 and I are having such a blast writing it.

Kzinistzerg 08-29-2006 08:00 PM

Well hell, if it's fun, do it! I's kind of overkill on the Mac situation, though... I mean, this is... Well, I find all of your stories utterly hilarious, in a good way, even the really depressing ones becuase of the juxtaposition of the characters and events (Speaking of which, is it physically possible for Frankie to hug Mac? Can she fit her arms aorund his head?). The whole "well, this happens, and then this happens, and just to add to the fun, this happens" part seems almost Monty-Python-Esque. I just keep getting pictures of a nature similar to that family guy episode in which the Kool-Aid guy bursts through the wall.

Dude13 08-30-2006 04:18 AM

Frankie can hug Mac, but only if she wraps her arms around his body.....ha, I never took the poor little guy's head in as a factor before though, so that still has to cause some kind of difficulty for the two.

Interesting point you have there relating my stories to the Monty Python style of comedy. Of course, I won't disagree at all, considering the ludicrous situations I create for the characters, which range from dealing to fear of turkeys to getting jammed inside a laundry chute. Good point you have there!

.....Although now methinks Frankie and Mac are going to do a lot less hugging in future works.....that, or I'll feel a little weird about it every time I have them do it.

Kzinistzerg 08-30-2006 10:54 AM

Well, I mean, even if she does hug him around the torso it's gotta hurt his neck, keeping his head out of the way and all. See, this is one of the reasons the media are so incongrous.

Dude13 08-30-2006 02:31 PM

You're right, no matter what, it does unfortunately get in the way. There's even cold-hard evidence for that too - when she hugs him out of relief in "Store Wars", it's a pretty awkward-looking embrace, as it is when she carries him about when they flee into hiding to escape mall security.

Ack, his head gets in the way no matter what.

lucyrocks73 08-30-2006 05:54 PM


Guess who also has a large head?

(*Marty starts to sing show tunes*)



(*whistles innocently*)

Let us compare the size of Good Ol' Charlie Brown's head and Mac's head (although I think we are getting fearfully off-topic now)...

Charlie Brown:


Well, it depends if you think circles or squares are bigger...

And to get back on topic, Dude13, I will have a rough draft of chapter sixteen to you by tomorrow...

-Marty 8-)

Dude13 08-30-2006 06:34 PM

Not to be hard on poor little Mac, but to be frank, Charlie Brown's head seems to be more in proportion to his body, while, doesn't exactly enjoy that same luxury.

And what do you mean we're getting fearfully off-topic? If anything, this is exactly the kind of issue we need to deal with here. For example, this quote from chapter ninteen of "More Than My Friend/Falling Apart":

Immediately the boy snuggled contentedly into her embrace, throwing his arms around her and nestling his head inside the crook of the girl?s neck

Now that I read over that, I wonder; how on earth is Mac's head going to fit in there? Is Frankie's neck long enough to accomodate it?


Then again, maybe it's not that big of a problem. Or at least the hugging issue isn't that bad, seeing that Frankie has some experience holding creatures with oversized heads:

Let's be honest, Cheese's head-to-body ratio is grossly disproportionate. But if Frankie can handle that, as seen here, maybe simply giving Mac a hug isn't a big a challenge as we originally though it to be.

lucyrocks73 08-31-2006 03:43 AM

Hey, I am a Peanuts fan extrordinare!!! Well, I guess you're right about Chuck's head... but not when he was younger!!!

(*searches internet fo pics of Charlie Brown in the 50's*)

Er... well, this isn't the best pic, but I don't have time to scan my huge collection of Peanuts books.

(*wallows in shame*)

Just kidding... Yeah, think Mac I definately has a larger head...

What is it with Craig McCracken and characters with large heads?

(*speeds off to find another picture*)

Okay, here's Mojo Jojo... I have a t-shirt with him on it somewhere from when I was eight...

Once again, I don't think any of this proves any point.

Weeeeeeeeee... But putting random pictures on the forum is FUN!!!

-Marty 8-)

Dude13 08-31-2006 04:39 AM

Whoa! Old Charlie Brown and Mac definitely share the same unfortunate issue of an oversized head. Mojo Jojo suffers from a similar ailment, but not to the extent that Mac does. True, that crazy monky does possess a grossly undersized waist and lower body, but Mac's head is more or less practically the same size of the rest of his body.

Honestly though, over half of my stories I have Frankie and Mac hugging or something, but now it's really bothering is she managing to pull that off?

That eight-year-old has a skull wider than a twenty-two-year-old's entire body!

ch3353-h4xx0rrrr 08-31-2006 05:18 AM

Well, PBL, in the... second long story, I think, it's revealed that Frankie always thought of Wilt as her imaginary friend. And Wilt always considered Frankie his Kid. ;)

Kzinistzerg 08-31-2006 12:25 PM

Well also keep in mind that children do have larger heads in proportion to body size than adults. And yes, this is a fairly common style. I mean, have you guys seen Calvin? (The kid, here. Blake Superior and Richie were loosely based off of Calvin and Hobbes, who are like Mac and Bloo, just different parts to each of them. You have to read the comic.)

Dude13 08-31-2006 12:34 PM

Ha, I'm definitely no stranger to that particular little kid and his beloved tiger, as proven by the complete collection of the comics up in my room.

Well, at least we've proven that disproportionate is no exclusive problem for cartoon children, rather it is extremely common.

Although that's not exactly going to make Frankie's ability to hug Mac any easier...

Kzinistzerg 08-31-2006 12:39 PM

Yeah... I have a bunch of their comic books, that's actually a photo I just took out of "the days are just packed."

It's amasing how similar those two pairs are, really. They're both works of art.

Now, can you PLEASE put Mac and Bloo in a wagon? PLEASE?

EDIT: also, south park, anyone? Disproporttionate?

Dude13 08-31-2006 01:03 PM

If I did put them in a wagon though, would it be the same? Yes, it would be a boy and his imaginary friend, but I don't think Bloo and Mac would be able to share the deep intellectual discussions you'll see on the wagon rides of Calvin and Hobbes. Instead, I picture Bloo recklessly steering a wagon through the forest with Mac doing nothing but screaming himself hoarse, lamenting how his imaginary friend managed to persuade him into trying such a stupid stunt.

Hobbes and Bloo aren't exactly on the same intelectual level.

Also...yeah, you're right about South Park. Okay, so I guess it's official at this point, large-headed children are a classic standard in cartoons.

Kzinistzerg 08-31-2006 01:37 PM

No, but Hobbes and Mac sort-of are. I think Calvin just dosn't use his genius to any good end, he hinks up schemes comparable to bloo's and then uses them.

I mean, Stupendous Man? Tracer Bullet? Spaceman Spiff? Stupendous Mas meets rosallyn?

I think you could have them on a wagon, you just wouldn't get the reflections on life. Bloo would proabbly find something intersting like an anthill and insist on taking Mac to see, or soemthing.

Dude13 09-01-2006 05:58 AM

True, so I guess Bac and Bloo are like Calvin and Hobbes except that their roles are a little reversed, with Mac and Hobbes being the more sensible ones and Calvin and Bloo being much more....erratic, I guess. They're far from a pair of fools, but most of the time they're not exactly logical in their thought patterns.

Anyway, I'm trying to pciture a Mac/Bloo-Wagon Scenario in my mind at the moment. Bloo would definitely be the one to instigate what would certianly be an extremely ill-fated trip, and he'd probably lure Mac into joining him through trickery of some sort, though how I have yet to figure out....hmmm...

Bloofanatic 09-01-2006 06:08 AM

since we seem to be talking about big heads

I'd like to introduce you to Mac's twin brother lol just kidding

Dude13 09-01-2006 06:31 AM

Just kidding? THose two could DEFINITELY at least pass off as each other's cousins. Gah, that's a really uncanny resemblance there.

lucyrocks73 09-01-2006 06:48 AM

Well, that's weird.

Seriously. What show is that from?

-Marty 8-)

Bloofanatic 09-01-2006 07:09 AM

it's from Robotboy one of my fave shows Robotboy is so cute and that's Tommy my 2nd fave

kageri 09-01-2006 11:58 AM

That's why it's so hard to draw Mac and Bloo hugging. Mac's head practically eclipses Bloo's entire body.

Frankie does have an abnormally long neck.

Dude13 09-02-2006 05:29 AM

Ha, what a dynamic duo we have here: Giraffe-Girl and Big-Head.

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