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Invader Bloo 11-08-2006 10:34 AM

The Yellow-ness
My new fan-fic! Hope you all like this as much as the Goofball one!
"Cheese! You don't live here! Go home!" Frankie at the yellow imaginary friend. Cheese stood there cross eyed. "Mac can you take him home?" she asked. "Ok Frankie. Comeon Cheese" Mac replied. "kkkkkkhhhh...OK" Cheese said. The two walked out of the door. Frankie sighed & continued to mop the floor.
"Sorry Mac, but I created a new, smarter friend" Louise told Mac with a big headed imaginary friend by her side. " I do enjoy a nice cocoa made dairy liquid" it said. "Whaaaaat?" Cheese asked stupidly. Mac was shocked, his mouth was wide open.

"WHAT?!" Frankie yelled. Eduardo, Bloo, Wilt, Coco, Mr.Herriman & some other friends came to see what was happening. "What is it Ms. Frances?" Herriman asked. "Louise made a new freind leaving Cheese here!" Frankie said urgently. The house patrons gasped. Cheese was picking his nose. "I liiiiiike chocolate milk!"

Cassini90125 11-08-2006 10:36 AM

Oh, dear. This looks promising... :cheesegrin:

Invader Bloo 11-08-2006 11:03 AM

...& it will be. I'll update once a day. (Every day I go online)

Voxxyn 11-08-2006 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Invader Bloo (Post 14280)
" I do enjoy a nice cocoa made dairy liquid" it said. "Whaaaaat?" Cheese asked stupidly.


I'm liking this so far.

BlooCheese 11-08-2006 02:57 PM

"Cheese was picking his nose."
He licked his fingers when he was finished, didn't he?

Cassini90125 11-08-2006 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by BlooCheese (Post 14338)
"Cheese was picking his nose."
He licked his fingers when he was finished, didn't he?

Eeeeeeeewwww... :P

BlooCheese 11-08-2006 03:47 PM

But come now!
It's something Cheese would probably do!

Invader Bloo 11-09-2006 06:30 PM

Never thought of that. Here's chapter 2:
Bloo was watching TV."What's 'dis?" Cheese asked. "North Park" Bloo replied.
"Ehhhhhh... Turn it to "Water Melon Road!" Cheese whined. "Ugh! No thatshow's for babies!" Wilt overheard the conversation. "Sorry, but let him watch his show". Eduardo rushed in & jumped on the couch. " I love that show!" he told everyone. "Awww... you guys suck!" Bloo whined. Wilt shook his head & walked off. Bloo walked off too. Cheese flipped through the channels. " Senior Cheese what are you doing?" Eduardo asked. "Watchin' TV" Cheese said. Ed sighed & also walked off.
4 hours later... "Co co co co coco co co co co?" Coco asked. "Yep"" Cheese relpied. "Dinner is now ready" Herriman said on the innercom. "YES!" Cheese yelled running off to the dining room. " I like cereal" he told Jhacki sitting down. Frankie gave Cheese a plate & rolled his eyes. Cheese looked at it drooling. "Mmm...Tacos!" he drooled. Herriman announced they could now eat.
"Sorry I'm late guys but, my teacher made me teach this kindergartener because she said taht I was so creative that it'd make learning fun, like that's true" Goo said coming in. "Here Goo I made this for you just incase you did come" Frankie told Goo. "Hey thanks Frankie..HEY! what's the stupid cheesy ghostdoing here?" Goo asked. "1 he's not a ghost, 2 his name is Cheese & 3..." Mac retold the whole story. "Oh!" Goo said. Cheese was licking his burger. "Wow, you poor guys"

Voxxyn 11-10-2006 06:34 AM

Has "You suck" become a Bloo trademark in your writings? Because I'm lovin' it. (I nearly died from laughter when you had him say that to Lauren Faust in the bloopers thread... not disrespecting Lauren, of course ;) )

Invader Bloo 11-10-2006 07:50 AM

Yeah, even though they'll never show that in the show, it seems apropiate for his personality. No i was disrespectingh Lauren either, she did write "Mac Daddy" & "Go Goo Go!" two of the greatest eps ever.

Cassini90125 11-10-2006 08:25 AM

It sounds like Bloo, it fits him well, and it's hilarious. 8-)

Invader Bloo 11-10-2006 10:04 AM

Here's chapter 3!
The next morning..."CHEESE! Hurry up!" Bloo screamed pounding on the bathroom door. Cheese was standing in the shower staring up at the water, his mouth wasn wide open. It filled with water, he swallowed it. Cheese started over again. "WILT! You have all the keys, open the door!" Bloo commanded, Wilt opened the door. Cheese was standing on the carpet. "Sorry, but what are you doing?" Wilt asked. Cheese responded, "Drieing off".
"Move it!" Bloo forced Wilt & Cheese out of the room.
In the Dining Room... "I like tacos" Cheese announced. "No tacos, Pancakes!" Ed replied. "Ooooooh! Gimme!" Cheese cooed. WHACK! Cheese threw a pancake at poor Eduardo. "Ew! I is all sticky with syrup now!" he cried. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Pancakes were every where. " No pancakes for Cheese ever again!" Frankie yelled pulling a pancake out of her hair.
"Hey Bloo come & check this out!" Fluffer Nutter told the blue blob. Cheese was stuck in George Mucas. "Get him out! Get him out!" George cried. "STIIIICKY!" Cheese yelled inside. "Ew, that's sick" New Guy said. "Got that right" Jhaki agreed. "What is going on he--- Oh my, Ms.FRANCES!" Mr. Herriman said. Frankie walked around the corner. "WHA--Oh god" she replied. Frankie carefully pulled Cheese out of George. "You OK?" she asked. "Mmm hmm" George said, he wiggled off. "CHEESE! Go watch TV!" Frankie told Cheese getting really annoyed. "OK" Cheese said walking off.

Invader Bloo 11-14-2006 01:26 PM

Here's Ch.4 you guys need to post more often!
Cheese was staring at static. "Cheese what are doing?" Mac sighed. "Shh...Ant show!" Cheese replied angrily.Mac turned the channel. "Cheese your eyes will get messed by watching sta---" Mac said interrupted."Ant show?"
"Yes, ant show" "YAY!" Mac walked off shaking his head, why Cheese was such an idiot he would never know. " Sorry, but the basketball game is on!" Wilt said turning the channel. "OOH! I like balls" Cheese commented. Cheese watched.
30 seconds later..... "'Dis is booooring!" he whined. "Cool! A game's on!" Bloo said jumping coming in the room. He waited for Cheese. "Move!" he demanded. Cheese sat there. "Errr...", Bloo pushed Cheese off. Cheese thought of a stupid plan....
Cheese wants his spot back a voice said. "AH! What's 'dat?" Cheese screamed in terror. I'm your mind it said. "Ooh, I like"

Short, I know.:wiltshock:

Cassini90125 11-14-2006 01:30 PM

LOL, "ant show". That is so Cheese! :D

Invader Bloo 11-14-2006 03:59 PM

Yep thought of that myself. *drools*

Imaginary Light 11-15-2006 11:57 AM

Haha! "Ant show"8D

Invader Bloo 11-18-2006 08:39 AM

"Hey!" a voice called. "SHUT UP CHEESE!" Bloo yelled back.
"Awwwwww.....Oooh! A crack!" Cheese said staring at a smallcrack in the wall.10 minutes later... "Oh yeeeeah...da sofa!"
"YES!" Wilt yelled, someone had just scored against his most hated team. "Oh yeah...Sorry." he replied embrassed. "Hey Bloo want some pizza?" another voice asked. "A. you bring it to me or B. I'm not getting up!" Bloo replied."Awwww..." Cheese whined seeing Coco. "Wee! ccocococococococococo!" he shouted. Coco satred at him, wondering why he just said that. "Working paddleball?! I'm there!" Bloo said excitedly, running off. "I like sofas!" Cheese said sitting on the sofa. Wilt shsuhed Cheese.
Later... Ice cream was everywhere. "Err... Who would do this?"
"I like pudin"
"Let me guess, Cheese did you do this?!"
"Yesss" Pfft! " I pooted"
Sniff! Sniff! "Ugh! Gross" Frankie said running off.

Invader Bloo 11-24-2006 04:40 PM

ch.6! Only 1 ch. left, I only did this one so I can have a reason for Cheese in my fan fics.

Shhhh! Frankie sprayed air freshner, she put it down. "Oooh!" Cheese grabbed the can. SSSH! "CHEESE! NO!" Frankie yelled urgently. "Ahhhhh! STINGY!" Cheese screeched in pain. Frankie grabbed Cheese & rushed in the bathroom.
Later.... "What's up with your eye Cheese? Ooh maybe you were alergic to Frankie's shirt so they went...BOOM & got all puffed up" Goo rambled. "Whaaaat?" Cheese asked banging his head on a wall. "Ow! Seniorita Frankie when will senior Cheese's eyes be better? They make me cringy!" Eduardo asked scared. " Only a couple hours Ed" Frankie replied. "Co coco co" Coco clucked. "Sorry, but that's real mean Coco!" Wilt told Coco. "Cococo!" Coco responded.

Short I know.

Cassini90125 11-24-2006 06:58 PM

I'm wondering what mean thing Coco said. ;)

Invader Bloo 11-24-2006 07:20 PM

He deserved it.

Cassini90125 12-03-2006 02:47 PM

Uh, it's been like over a week...? :cheesegrin:

Invader Bloo 12-03-2006 03:10 PM

Yeah... here it is (You can tell I lied :P... :( )
"Hello senior Cheese! I is glad to see your eyes are better!" Ed said. Cheese smiled evily. Eduardo backed off slowly. "BANNAAAAA!" Cheese yelled jumping on the purple friend. SPLAT! "Banana! Banana in my fur!" Eduardo yelled running around panicking. Frankie rushed in. When she saw it was Cheese again she started to fume. "Errr....CHEESE!" she freaked out. It echoed through out the house.
"Uh-oh Frankie's mad" Goo said. "Coco co" Coco replied."Got that right sista" Goo responded.
"I...I...I..." Frankie wanted to say hate you but couldn't spit it out. "Y...Y...YOU are the most idiotic, annoying, little pest ever! You mess up the house. You torture people like Ed or wilt or George or ME! You screw upthe TV! You aren't supposed to flip threw the TV for hours! You waste water! You throw food everywhere! You are going to drive me straight in the insane ASYLUM!" Frankei screamed, by now a group sorunded Frankie & Cheese. Cheese had not listened his eyes were crossed & his tounge stuck out threw a side. "I love you" he suddenly said hugging her & kissing her leg. "...Momma" he finished. Frankei suddenly went from raged to sad. She slowly smiled. "*sigh* great..." she mumbled. She rubbed his head. 'This will be along life" she thought knowing no one would ever adopt him. "What'd I miss?" Bloo rushed in. Everyone stared at him. "Come oooon tell me!" he begged.

Now that this is over, I will actually have plots that are continuous. This was just to set up having Cheese w/o Louise. I'm working on "2 Puppets & an Idiot" & "I Love Frankie" right now both of which should be up in a couple days, probally Tuesday.

Cassini90125 12-03-2006 03:21 PM

Awww, that was sweet. :)

I shall wait patiently for the next two... ;)

KazooBloo 12-27-2016 01:06 PM

Interesting idea.

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