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Invader Bloo 10-27-2006 07:55 PM

Do you quote peole form shows or movies?
I do:
"Eh!?" from Zim.
" I like *blank*" from either Cheese & Fred Fredburger
& I sing songs in the form of "I'm going to the ice charades".

Anyone else do this or am I a nut job? :P

scary_dream 10-27-2006 11:27 PM

My boyfriend and I do this all...the...time.

We quote Family Guy, Foster's, Invader ZIM, pretty much ANYTHING because we're insanely unoriginal 8D

Plus, I believe there is a movie/TV quote for just about every single one of life's situations.

DoubleLatte 10-27-2006 11:58 PM

Yep. Show quotes all the way. :3

- Foster's: Cheese's lines are a classic.
- Invader Zim: I quote about 99% of the episodes.
- Scarface

Off the top of my head, that's it.

GrimTheLost 10-28-2006 12:52 AM

I usually woute Stewie from "Family Guy". "You want a soda, want asooooda. I tried." Or "It's time for a sexy party!"

Kzinistzerg 10-29-2006 11:15 AM

Cheese is easily quoteable, But some of Mac's and Bloo's lines are memorable. I also occasionally quote form otehr thing but not al lthat often; not very many people get what I'm referring to when I say, "think of it as evolution in action."

Bloo2daMacs 10-29-2006 11:26 AM

I often quote Bloo by saying "c'moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!!"


lucyrocks73 10-30-2006 11:54 AM

I quote random muscials.

For instance, everytime my mother (who does this on purpose because it cracks her up) says "These things do happen," I answer, "...and until you stop-a them from happening, this thing does not happen!"

Phantom of the Opera.

And everything from school relates back to "La Vie Boheme" from RENT. EVERYTHING.

-Marty :goo:

GrimTheLost 10-30-2006 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by lucyrocks73 (Post 12947)
I"These things do happen," I answer, "...and until you stop-a them from happening, this thing does not happen!"

I love that quote. It's funny live.

Cassini90125 10-30-2006 03:35 PM

I've been known to quote Star Trek now and then. ;)

billytheskink 11-01-2006 12:36 PM

Who doesn't quote movies and television shows?

The trick is infusing a quote into a conversation where it fits well (particularly enjoyable is quoting something fairly obscure with another fan of whatever you are quoting).

For example-
Person: I got up at 6:15 this morning.
Me: Well, I got up 5:15, but went back to bed, because it was far too early.
Person: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

and that is the simple use of a quote from the Monty Python sketch "Ken Clean Air Systems".

kageri 11-01-2006 07:44 PM

Of course. I quote pretty much everything, even things where I don't remember where it came from anymore.

scary_dream 11-02-2006 11:03 PM

My boyfriend does Bloo's "C'mooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!" whine whenever he wants to REALLY bother me into doing something lol

He'll do it whenever we're both warm under a blanket on the couch watching TV and the remote is on the other side of the room!

I'm like :scaryberry: "SWEETIE, YOU'RE A JERK!!!"... then make him get up and get it 8D

We quote Family Guy probably too much for it to be healthy, and we quote Invader ZIM quite a bit, too.

I quote films a lot... mainly Pulp Fiction.

DGenerationX 11-13-2006 06:45 PM

i do, i do "the doom song"

Howard 11-14-2006 07:53 AM

I do quote from Star Trek (the original series) a lot.

"He's dead Jim!" - Dr. Leonard McCoy:frankiesmile:

Mr. Marshmallow 11-14-2006 01:55 PM

I actually do it all the time, but mostly just with either my friends or majority of the time, with my dad and my brother. Usually my dad and brother are the only ones really familar with all the various kinds of movies and shows I've seen.

I constantly bring up lines from the Critic, Spaceballs, The Office (best show on TV), Happy Gilmore, and of course Family Guy.

Brian: "You wanna try my smoked meat log?"

8D that's just pure genius.

discosheep 11-03-2007 09:15 AM

all the time

t.v shows

fresh prince of bel air
and loads more


shrek 1,2 and 3
3 ninjas
surfs up
lion king
finding nemo
and loads more

Partymember 11-03-2007 10:16 AM

i quote various Spaghetti Westerns and "Apocalypse Now" especially.

"Charlie don't surf" gets a lot of airtime with me.

Lynnie 11-03-2007 06:56 PM

Wow, "Dead thread posting"

Eh hem.. I really don't quote shows all too much, but the ones I do most of the time are of course Foster's, and Friends. Yay for Friends! The script writers of that show were genius.

As for movies, I must admit it's mostly Disney ones, most often quoted are probably Peter Pan and The Little Mermaid. I have found myself doing the adorible Dory line from Finding Nemo "I shall name him Squishy and he shall be mine! And he shall be my Squishy! ...OUCH! Bad Squishy, bad!" 8D

One Radical Dude 11-03-2007 10:31 PM

Not so much. I do say a few quotes from a few shows, but I'm not one of those that quote away. :P

Bloonan 11-04-2007 05:51 AM

"I like chocolate milk!"
That about sums up my thoughts on this topic 8D

jekylljuice 11-10-2007 02:01 AM

I’ve spent the latter part of my existence pretty much eating, breathing and sleeping Frasier, so it’s only natural that a good portion of the dialogue has managed to worm its way into my vernacular - most notably Niles’ line “I trust you’re just yanking my giggle chain.” Of course, having grown up with the show, I don’t consider that so much conscious quoting as I do taking a few good lessons in particularly effective words and phrases to use from an ever-present force. I’m certainly not one of those folks who quotes endlessly and for the sake of it.

That being said, there is a frantic, much-repressed side of me that would love nothing better than to run completely rampant quoting the Fast Show left and right if I let it - mostly Ken and Kenneth the tailors and Chris the Crafty Cockney. Fortunately I’m pretty good at keeping it curbed, but every so often, and if I feel the occasion merits it, I’m willing to let it off its leash. “Ooh! Suits you, sir!” :bloogrin:

Invader Bloo 11-10-2007 11:39 AM

I like doing Peter's "heh" versions of songs. (SW, JP & that song he was singing in the '80s episode)

Mayor Adam West 11-12-2007 08:27 PM

I keep on saying this randomly to myself:

"This is madness...." from 300.

And at times, following it up with "Madness? This is Sparta!"

WiltsAKGirl17 11-13-2007 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 12969)
I've been known to quote Star Trek now and then. ;)

Guilty. I won't lie.

I've also quoted Foster's, M*A*S*H, Emergency!, and The Ant Bully on more than one occassion. I drive my friends, parents and coworkers insane by doing this.

That's why I keep doing it. XD

Lucky 12-10-2010 02:47 PM

I frequently quote June from KaBlam!.

Lynnie 12-10-2010 04:24 PM

I've been quoting Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World a lot since this summer.

"If (*insert something irritating me at the moment*) had a face, I'd punch it."

"We are here to make you sad and think about death and stuff."

Howard 12-10-2010 08:53 PM

I find myself doing more "movie lingous" myself. That is doing lines from movies.:bloogrin:

taranchula 12-18-2010 09:07 PM

*Secret Shame Time*

I like to quote lines from 2003's epic masterpiece "The Room"

Lines like...

Hi Doggie.


Let's go eat, HUH!?

And of course the ever popular...

You're Tearing Me Apart Lisa!!

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