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Halloween at Foster's
Well if we can ask what animals they would be, what about what they would go as for Halloween?
If Halloween was done at Foster's, what do you think everyone would go as? What do you think any/all Foster's characters would go as if they got dressed up and went out in Halloween? At the moment, what comes to my mind is: Bloo - R2-D2 Mac - Harry Potter Eduardo - A Potato Madame Foster - A Witch Frankie - Little Mermaid I'll probably have more later, I'm just too tried right now ::). |
Wilt- scarecrow
Bloo - Pac-Man ghost Coco - Ameila Airheart? |
I'd imagine... Mac - Link Goo - Zelda Terrance - Ganondorf Madame Foster - Yoda Mr. Herriman - Captain Jean-Luc Picard Duchess - Miss Trunchbull(Matilda) Cheese - SpongeBob SquarePants Goofball - Tom Cruise(I wonder why...) |
I love the Yoda/Madame Foster idea. Now for a further details into this, as well as a few other ideas:
Eduardo - The cowardly Lion Bloo - Slimer (Ghostbusters) Wilt - Abraham Lincoln Coco - Christmas Tree Mr. Herriman - Obei-Wan Kenobi (older one obviously) Terrance - Frankenstein Goo - Bride of Frankenstein Madame Foster - Crazy Cat lady |
I'm drawing out my ideas, but here they are listed:
Bloo - Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean Mac - Sora from Kingdom Hearts Eduardo - Monster from 'Where the Wild Things Are' Coco - Delerium from Neil Gaiman's The Endless Wilt - Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas Frankie - Etna from Disegae |
Impressive. I cannot wait to see more. :D
This is kinda tough. I could see Bloo wanting the greatest costume ever but ends up just haveing a white sheet with eye-holes.8D And Edwardo? I think he'd be too busy hideing somewhere. Duches? Hmm... I think she would feel that Halloween was beneath her. But she'd be the scaryest looking one anyway.;)
I don't know what Frankie would dress up as. The Little Mermaid idea is great. The green fishtail and red hair would certanly be similar, but differant from her usual get-up. I could see her dressing up like a ball-room bell complete with the mask-on-a-stick. (With a green dress, ofcourse) I can't see Madam Foster and Mr.Hariman not sharing a theme. Maybe something like Hariman as King-kong and Madam Foster as Fay Wray. But SOMEONE would have to dress up like a character from the Powerpuff Girls. Actually... Mr.Hariman could be the Mayore and Madam Foster could be Miss Bellom.:D |
ha ha, yeah, that would be so hilarious! |
Frankie Foster - Misty from Pokemon
Perverse Misty fan boy over here...just joking 8D. |
It must be the hairstyle. :D
Coco - chocobo |
Mac: Luke Skywalker Bloo: A door Goo: Dee Dee From Dexter's lab Cheese: "a scary guy!" Frankie: A french maid Madame Foster: A gypsee (sp?) Edguardo: A skeloton (like the mexican celebrations of the dead.) Wilt: Waluigi Coco: Missy Elliot Mr. Herriman: Stinky Pete Prospector from Toy Story 2 |
Mr. Herriman could be Sara Bellum (Naturally with his head burried behind paperwork) Madam Foster Could be the Mayor (Theyr Both say Crazy things) I wonder if Madam Foster also Likes Pickles Monty:-/ |
Now Goo as Dee Dee THAT is a good one, although I don't get the "bloo is a door" idea at all. |
Bloo's shape, or at least his outline, has been compared to that of a doorway occasionally. An archway I can see, but a door? Maybe I'm missing something.
Bloo: R2-D2 (he already knows the noises! :P )
Mac: Anakin Skywalker (He sort of looks like Anakin in TPM) Coco: Pink Box of Cooa cereal Wilt: Shaquile O'Neal (sp?) Eduardo: Potato Frankie: Vampire Chick Madame Foster: Witch Mr. Herriman: C-3PO (Tom Kane *Mr.H's voice* did the voice of 3PO in some game) Cheese- Choklet Milk! Goo- Numbah 3- KND |
Lemme think...
Mac: (Link) Bloo: (Mojo Jojo? it'd be funny) Wilt: (A vampire) Goo: (Dee Dee) Madame Foster: (A PowerPuff Girl? well, she's kooky enough to go as one) Mr. Herriman: (The Mayor of Townsville) Frankie: (Uh, Jessica Rabbit?) Ed: (Potato) Cheese: (A ghost costume) Duchess: (A queen) Red: (A flower) Terrance: (Frankenstein) Berry: (A ballerina?, she'd wear the tutu just to look cute) |
Maybe a hobbit door. All the doors in my house are rectangular.
Cheese could have a ghost costume with a bunch of holes in it, like Charlie Brown's. |
Oh man, THAT be PERFECT for Cheese! Ha!
Cheese could go as himself.
EDIT: OMG! Bloo could go as a secret door! |
Mac - Ness from Earthbound
Jackie Knohnes - Plankton from SpongeBob Squarepants Dutchess - Medusea Red - Thwomp from Super Mario Brothers |
I got some more
Mac and Bloo - Elliot and E.T. Frankie - Sailor Mars Duchess - Medusa Madame Foster - The Gap troll (Mad TV reference) Eduardo - Chewbacca Jackie Khones - Telescope Terrance - Bart Simpson Mr. Herriman - Mr. Belvadere Goofball - Jar Jar Binks (heh) Cheese - Jackoughasaur (South Park) |
Coco: Flight 815 from Lost.
Duchess: herself (she'd get tons of candy). Herriman: The Phantom of the Opera (wearing a stupid white blanket with two holes in it for looking through ;)) Cheese: Gir? :) Mac: Terrence Bloo: Robo from Chrono Trigger (play that game now :D) Wilt: Jack Skellington, just like CG. It's the only thing I can think him of. Goo: The "scary" imaginary friend from Go Goo Go. (with the Eduardo scene) Ed: a bee. ;) |
Darn. Everyone already took my ideas.
I could totally see Goo as Dee Dee. Bloo as R2-D2 would rock as well... Ugh. I'm tapped for ideas. Therefore, I'll just shut up now and congratulate everyone on their ideas. Congratulations. -Marty 8-) |
Terrance- Pizza Red- Cheese cube :D Goofball- Jar Jar Binks (I agree because most of the fans of the series hate the character, I like Jar Jar though) Jhackie Khones- Plankton (All he'd have to do is put fake unibrow on) New Guy- Sulley(Monster,s Inc, he'd have to carry a lil' Boo or Mike around) Berry- Picture Frame w/ Bloo picture next to her Duchess- Empress Big Green Guy who works w/ Bloo alot- Shrek George Mucas- George Lucas :grin: |
Dude, Wilt could go as Cyborg from Teen Titans. Like, totally. And I would die of joy.
Teen Titans is a good one, never thought of that one. I could totally see that. Bloo - Beast Boy Mac - Robin Frankie - Starfire Goo - Terra Wilt - Cyborg (ty Insane fan) Eduardo - Mammoth |
Mac? Dorothy? Maybe if he lost a bet or something...:rolleyes:
Ugh, I hate TTs. I hate all anime, it's boring! *gets prepared to be flame like on other forums*
Bloo: Run
Mac: DMC Goo: Jam master Jay Ed: Ricardo Montalban Wilt: Artis Gilmore Coco: Audrey Hepburn Frankie: Trackstar Tracie Herriman: Sherman Madame Foster: Mr. Peabody Jackie Khones: David Eckstien Bloo, Goo, and Mac, as well as Herriman and MF are designed to work teogether. |
I wish I could contribute to this conversation, like the What Car Would They Drive, and all other similar threads...but I just can never think of stuff like this. I guess my brain just isn't wired that way. :-/ |
Ghostbusters Mac - Peter Venkman Mr. Herriman - Egon Wilt - Winston Coco - Ray Frankie - Janine Eduardo - Stay Puft Marshmallow man Bloo - Slimer Duchess - Ghozer Terrance - Walter Peck (the enviormentalist) Goo - The Library ghost (best I could come up with :jk:) |
It's a fact for me, not for you. ;)
and boys can play girl roles same for girls playing boy roles |
Eh, the whole boys as girls dosen't sound right.
Girls as boys I can understand, but me & any non-gay (not hating gays) as a girl?! That'll never happen. |
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Bloo - Quark Mr. Herriman - Constable Odo If you've ever watched DS9, this should be obvious. |
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